Furniture Shopping

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It's been a few days since Lucas, Paul and Gareth joined our group, and they're trying hard to earn their place. A little too hard.

They're constantly asking for things to do, and them complaining that they could be doing more.

Carley: What do you think?

Y/N: Huh?

Carley: *Chuckles* You weren't listening were you?

Y/N: Umm...

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

Carley: I was saying that I think we should send a group into this town here.

She pointed at a small town on the map.

Carley: We could always do with more meds.

Y/N: Yeah, you're right. I'll ask Glenn if he's willing to go.

Carley: Actually, I was thinking you could take those new people.

Y/N: Why?

Carley: Because it gives us a chance to see how useful they really are. Plus, they're really starting to annoy me.

Y/N: *Chuckles* Fine I'll take 'em with me.

Carley: Thanks.

I stepped off the bus and into our little camp. I made my way over to the 3 guys sitting in the far off corner.

Y/N: Hey, so listen, if you're up for it, it could use some help on a run into town

The 3 of them quickly stood up from where they were sitting.

Lucas: Of course, we'd love to help.

Y/N: Great, get ready. We'll be leaving in five.

I walked over to the side of the bus and opened up the storage space, which is where we kept all the important things like food and guns.

Mitch: You think it's smart to take those three with you?

I turned around to see Mitch, Glenn, Louis and Aasim all looking at me.

Y/N: Yeah, I think so. But, any of you are welcome to tag along.

Louis: I will, I haven't been out for a run in a while.

Y/N: Great. Get ready, we're leaving in a few minutes.

Louis nodded and left to grab what he needed.

Aasim: How long will you be?

Y/N: Not sure. Maybe, 90 minutes. If things go south I'll radio, got it?

They nodded. Just then someone approached us.

Jack: Hey guys.

We all turned around to see Jack, holding something in an old rag.

Y/N: Hey munchkin. What you got there?

Jack: Oh, um... it's something I thought you might like.

I grinned at the 9 year old boy, who looked pretty nervous.

Glenn: We'll leave you guys be.

Glenn, Aasim and Mitch then left me and Jack alone.

Jack: Here.

He reached out his 2 hands holding the rag and I grabbed it.

I unravelled the rag and out fell a Colt Python.

Jack: I found it in the gun bag and thought you would like to have it, you know, as YOUR gun. W...what do you think?

Jack looked at me with uncertainty, and I just smiled. Like, properly smiled, for the first time in weeks.

Y/N: I love it, munchkin. Thank you so much.

I opened up my arms and he jumped into them, wrapping his arms around me in a huge hug, which I gratefully returned.

Louis: Yo, Y/N. We going?

Y/N: Yeah.

I pulled out of the hug and ruffled Jack's hair.

Y/N: You keep everyone safe for me while I'm gone?

Jack: Of course.

Y/N: Knew I could count on you. Bye, munchkin.

Jack: Bye, Y/N.

I ran over to join the others going on the run.

Louis: Ready?

Y/N: Yeah. Let's go.

Small Time Skip
I shined the light from my torch through the window of a shop. It was full of walkers.

Lucas: Y/N. Pharmacy's this way.

He pointed down a small street.

I looked down where he was pointing, and sure enough, there it was.

I followed the rest of them down the street, when suddenly I heard something growl.

I turned around to see dozens of walkers coming straight for us.

Y/N: Get to the pharmacy, now!

Everyone starting sprinting down the street towards the pharmacy, but then that way got blocked by more walkers.

I looked around, unsure of where to go.

Louis: Y/N! In here!

I watched as Louis charged through the door of a furniture shop, beside the pharmacy. I then ran in after him, with Lucas, Paul and Gareth behind me, slamming the door behind them.

We all then grabbed the nearest furniture and used it to barricade the door.

Y/N: Everyone okay?

They all gave me a variety of mumbled yeses.

Y/N: Alright, so this shop is directly attached to the pharmacy. Everyone look around for some way to get through that wall.

We all then split up. After a few minutes of searching the wall for weak spots, someone calls my name.

Louis: Yo Y/N. What do ya think?

He held in his hand... the leg of a chair... with nails sticking out of it.

Y/N: *Chuckles* Nice.

Louis: I think I'm gonna call him... Chairles.

Y/N: What?

Louis: Chairles. This is Chairles, he's my new weapon.

Y/N: You're naming your chair leg?

Louis: Yup.

Y/N: Alright then.


I turned around to see a hole in the ceiling and some furniture destroyed.

All of the noise caused the walkers to try and force their way through the barricade even more.

Gareth: The barricade's not gonna hold.

Y/N: Alright. You four find more stuff to block the door with, I'll go see what that was.

They didn't need to be told twice, they quickly ran around, grabbing the nearest and heaviest things to block the door.

I quickly manoeuvred my way through some furniture, pulling out the Colt Python as I go.

I pulled back the hammer and readied the gun as I neared the hole. The dust quickly cleared and then I seen a figure in the centre.

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