Trigger Happy

283 14 6

Y/N: Not another step!

I shout as Willie and I ready our weapons, simultaneously alerting everyone else to the presence of unknown people.

Man1: Woah there, stranger. No need to be so handsy with your gun.

Man2: My brother and I are just looking for some gas. We need it for our fence. Our generators provide electricity, and they run on gas.

Man1: We own a dairy farm a few miles up the road. If y'all are willing to lower your guns, maybe we could talk about some kind of trade.

Man2: How're y'all doing on food? We got plenty at the dairy.

Willie looked at me.

Willie: Think it's legit?

Y/N: I don't know. But I'm nor gonna miss out if it is. I'll take Mark and Violet with me to check it out. The rest of you stay here incase it's a trap.

Man1: So, uh, what're y'all thinking?

Y/N: We'll give you some gas for your generators. And in exchange you give us some food.

The 2 brothers smiled.

Man2: Sounds fair. A couple gallons should power our generators for a while.

Man1: I'm Andrew, by the way.

Man2: And my name's Danny.

Time Skip
Path to the Dairy.

Mark: So, this dairy. You guys really have food?

Andrew: Sure do. We lost most of our cattle, but we still have lots of milk, butter and cheese stocked up.

Danny: And with the vegetables we grow, we got plenty of food.

Mark's face lit up as if he was in heaven.

Violet: You trust these guys?

Violet asked as me and her lagged behind the other 3.

Y/N: Not one bit. They were too eager to have us over.

Violet: And don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that we find a bear trap with no release latch, and then hours later two guys show up from the same direction?

Y/N: You think it's connected?

Violet: I don't know for sure, but I got a gut feeling it is.

Y/N: And I'm feeling a lot happier with leaving Clem and AJ at the bus.

Violet: What's the story with that anyway?

Violet asked curiously.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Violet: I mean, are you and Clem like his parents now?

I stayed quiet and thought for a second.

Y/N: I don't know. I never really thought about it to be honest.

Violet: Well you're both great for him. He looks up to you both and I can't think of better role models for him.

I smiled at her greatfully.

Y/N: Thanks Vi.

???: You think you're gonna cut me out of this?!

We all stopped and sneakily headed towards the commotion.

What we saw was 2 bandits arguing with each other.

Bandit 2: No one's trying to cut you out of anything.

Bandit 1: You and Gary are always pulling this shit! And you think I haven't noticed?!

Bandit 2: Calm down! Your paranoia's passing everyone off!

Bandit 1: Fuck you! You knew we were hungry, and you guys were keeping it all to yourselves!

Bandit 2: Yeah, and you know what, we ate it all! What're you gonna fucking do about it?

Bandit 1 then kicked Bandit 2 in the stomach, sending him stumbling backwards.


Bandit 1: Fuck you!

He shouted as he shot Bandit 2 in the head with a rifle.


Bandit 1: Fuck-


Bandit 1: -You!


Bandit 1: Fuck-


Bandit 1: -You!

Bandit 1 then turned and walked away from the corpse.

Bandit 1: Asshole.

The group of us sat in silence for a few more seconds.

Andrew: The world out here has gone to shit. C'mon, let's get to the Dairy, where it's safe.

We all then turned and walked away, back on our path to the Dairy.

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