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3rd Person's POV
Y/N sat on that bus for days, no one dared to disturb him. He was in shock and grieving, they all were, especially AJ.

The poor 9 year old sat on his own, crying over the loss of another brother.

He had only started to heal from the loss of Conor, and now he loses Jack. No one understands how much the kid is hurting.

Everyone, apart from Y/N has attempted to get through to him, but none of them were successful.

The group was a dysfunctional mess. They lost Jack, the light and soul of the group.

They lost Carley, who kept everything in check.

The lost Marlon, but even though no one admitted it, no tears were shed over losing him.

They lost majority of their supplies. Most of the weapons from the police station, and nearly all their food they collected over the weeks.

And their leader is lost too. He is stuck in his own head, no one getting through to him. Without him, the group as a whole is lost.

Although none of them admitted it, most of them were, at least lightly afraid of Y/N, after all he had just killed 2 men who they thought were friends, just 2 days ago.

Clementine looked around at her group of friends, her new family, and they were all lost in their heads, unsure of what to do, and vulnerable, which isn't a good thing in the apocalypse.

Walkers could strike any time and they weren't ready. And she knew they wouldn't be ready until they had their leader back. Until Y/N was back.

She looked to her left and made her decision. She took a deep breath before climbing the steps of the bus.

When she stepped inside, Y/N didn't move a muscle, he just continued to look off into space.

Clem: Y/N?

She asked gently, waiting for a response but never getting one.

She moved closer and sat of the seat beside him, but still facing him. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

Clem: Y/N, listen to me. We need you. The group I'd a mess and you're the only one who can fix it, please... please Y/N, tell me what's going on.

She looked at Y/N, silently begging as a tear rolled down his face.

Y/N: It's all my fault.

His voice was quiet and was breaking as he spoke.

Y/N: Carley, Jack... their both dead because of me.

Clem: That's not true.

Y/N: I'm the one who brought them to the group. I'm the one who let them in. I'm the one who let their guard down and trusted them. If I just kept a closer eye on them... Jack would be alive.

Clem: You're not the only one who let them into the group. We all took a vote on it, remember? We all trusted them, we all let our guards down. Not just you.

Y/N: And if I told you all about the walkers from the beginning, Marlon wouldn't have been so angry and killed Carley.

Clem: Hey, you had no idea if that walker theory was true, and you were right to keep it from us until you knew for certain, any one of us would've done the same thing in your scenario.

For the first time, Y/N looked at her. They both had tears down their faces, this conversation helping both of them come to terms with the other days affairs.

Y/N: I... thank you, Clem.

She gave him a smile.

Y/N looked at her and gave a small, but genuine smile back.

They both looked into each others eyes, before leaning in, slowly. Closing their eyes as their lips connected in a kiss.

It didn't last very long, but had a lot of emotion in it.

Clem: You're welcome.

She smiles as she pulls away.

Y/N turns around and looks at all his friends, all of which looked lost.

Y/N: What should we do?

Clem: I think you know what you should do.

The both stood up and climbed out of the bus. Everyone was surprised to see Y/N out of the bus after so long.

He walked past everyone, giving them nods, as he made his way to the one person who needed him most.

Y/N: Hey munchkin.

AJ looked up at Y/N, before looking away again. Y/N took that as his cue to sit down.

Y/N: Jack was the best of us. I know you probably don't want to hear any of this, because I know everyone has tried to get through to you, but I'm so sorry AJ.

AJ didn't say anything, nor did he even acknowledged Y/N, but that didn't stop him.

Y/N: I always loved seeing you, Jack and Conor after school, you guys really made my days better. You three were the most optimistic children I ever met, and it wasn't even a second before I knew I loved you guys.

AJ's wall was starting to break down as tears were starting to fall. AJ attempted to blink them back, but a few tears escaped.

Y/N: I still see them, you know. There's not a moment they don't leave my mind. I remember Conor when he tried to squeeze the life out of everyone with a bear hug. And I remember Jack used to love it when I ruffled his hair.

Tears were now threatening to fall from Y/N's eyes.

Y/N: God, I miss those munchkins so much.

AJ: I miss them too.

Y/N looked over to see AJ crying. He wrapped him in a hug and let him cry on his shoulder.

AJ: I don't know what to do.

Y/N: I know it's hard, AJ, but look around. Everyone here in this camp loves you, AJ. We're all here for you. We're all family now.

AJ rested his head deeper into my shoulder.

AJ: Promise me you won't leave me.

Y/N: I promise, munchkin.

AJ: I love you, Y/N.

Y/N: I love you too, AJ.

Thanks for reading my story.

What did you guys think of this chapter.

It's more on the emotional side of things and I'm not sure if I'm any good at it so any tips would be great.

Did you guys like the 3rd Person POV, or would you rather I stick to just character POV. Or a mix of both.

Also although it is late, Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it.

This is also my last post of 2021 so I want to thank you all for such an amazing year, and here's to hoping 2022 will be even better.

Please comment and vote.

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