Hunting Surprises

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3 Weeks Later
Clem: I think I'm getting the hang of this.

She says as another bullet hits the swinging log.

Y/N: Yeah, only took you three weeks.

Clem: *Laughing* Careful, no one ever teach you not to piss off the one with the gun?

Jack: Y/N! Clem! Dinner's ready!

I looked up the hill to see Jack shouting us.

Y/N: Coming now, munchkin!

Jack then ran off to join the others, as Clem and I climbed up the hill.

At the top, we saw everyone sitting around a small campfire holding containers with our dinner.

Louis: Squirrel and beans. My favourite.

Carley: No one's forcing you to eat it.

I chuckled at this. Over the past few weeks, we've all grown to care for each other and trust each other. Well, not all of us.

Off to the side of the campfire sat Marlon and Mitch. Marlon refused to contribute to the group, but still saw fit to boss us around.

Mitch however, was only sitting with Marlon because he knew Marlon would be alone otherwise.

Mitch and I came a lot closer due to us going out hunting for food, and over those hunting trips, I learned that, no matter how much he denied it, he really cared for the group, and would always want to help out.

I sat down on the grass and dug into my dinner.

Once we were all done, Carley got up to clean all the containers in the stream down below, and I offered to help her.

Y/N: How's our food situation?

I asked while we were cleaning the containers.

Carley: Could be worse, but could be better. We've enough tinned food to get by for a while, but could do with more meat.

Y/N: Glenn and Aasim are going into that town a mile down the road tomorrow morning, I'll see if Mitch or Vi wants to go hunting with me while they're gone.

Carley: Good idea.

We were just finishing up when Carley spoke again.

Carley: It's good you're here, leading us.

Y/N: I don't lead us, we work together.

Carley: True, but you're the one to make all the tough decisions. Where we go, who goes into town, who goes hunting, and everyone comes to you for what to do.

Y/N: But you do important stuff too. You make the food, you protect the bus and whatever camp we have. Without you, we'd all be dead a long time ago.

Carley: How about co-leaders then?

Y/N: Our group doesn't have a leaders.

Carley: Well, what if we elect a leader?

Y/N: We don't need a leader. We're working just fine the way we are now.

Carley: With you leading us.

Y/N: Ye--No!

Carley just laughs.

Y/N: I can't stand you sometimes.

We eventually made it back to the camp and it was getting dark. I checked my watch.

Y/N: Alright everyone, pack it up. Munchkins, bed.

AJ: But Y/N, can't we stay up a little later?

Y/N: No, now get to bed.

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