4.Baby Steps

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[Hey, Iris?]

[Yes Nora?]

[It's almost time to visit Kristofer.]

[I know but I can't face him right now. Not after the way I ran away.]

[Iris... I am sure he isn't going to hate you for it. If he did, he would of rejected us by now.]

[I guess. But not tonight, please?]


Three hours go by. It's about to be midnight and most of the pack is already sleeping or at least in their homes. What is supposed to be a joyous night turns into an exhaustingly scary one. Iris of course is still hiding refusing to shift using me as her hideaway. 

"Nora! Let's go", Cassius calls out up the stairway. I bark to let him know I heard and make my way down. He ruffles the fur on my head and opens the door for me to head out. Atlas follows behind me and then Cassius.

The drive over is short. Yet with Iris quaking inside of me, I am sure it felt like an eternity for her. We park next to one of the cars by the pack house and head inside. The house is relatively quiet. A television is playing upstairs somewhere and Cecile has a teapot going off in the kitchen. Demetrius waits by the door to take us to the room where Kristofer is resting. I whimper when I see him with the bandage around his leg and an IV drip. The bag hangs with an orange transparent liquid which I can only assume it is something to help him flush out whatever is in his system. Then his scent hits me. I thought his scent was strong the first two times Iris smelled it but now it is intense. Freshly ground coffee with a hint of cinnamon. 

[I think the bullet was laced.] Iris doesn't respond but I feel her watching. 

Cassius walks over to Kristofer and gently squeezes his arm. Kristofer stirs a bit and opens his eyes, squinting at the dim room light. They talk a little with Atlas chiming in as he passes looks my way. Then as if suddenly noticing my scent, Kristofer jerks his head in my direction. His eyes bore right through me. It is almost as if he is not looking at me but at Iris instead.

I take a step forward and he nods his approval. Kristofer sticks out his hand and I walk until my head nuzzles right under it. He runs his fingers through my fur sending waves of electricity through my body. Iris stirs inside reacting to it as well. I can almost say she is beginning to feel calmer. There is no denying how much he wants the bond to work.

"Hello beautiful", Kristofer continues combing my fur with his fingers. I rumble in response. 

"We will give you guys a minute", Cassius steps out the room with Atlas and closes the door. I return my gaze to Kristofer who is now looking at me a bit concerned and sad. His deep eyes reflects all the sadness he has been holding.

"Is it okay to ask, why you haven't shifted back?" I yelp a little in response. We can't communicate through mind link because our bond isn't strong enough yet. "How about I ask yes or no questions. One paw tap for yes and two for no. If you don't want to answer then don't tap." I really like this human, he is trying to understand me, us. I tap my paw once.

"Do I scare you or Iris?"

*Two taps* (no)

"Hmm, okay. Then does it have to do with what recently happened?"

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