11.He Is Mine

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Waking up with my mate in my arms has to be the best feeling in the world. I slightly readjust myself so I can see her gentle angelic face in slumber. Iris squirms a bit and mumbles something I can't make out. Goddess help me keep it in my pants until she's ready. I kiss her forehead, "morning sleepy head". Iris opens her eyes slightly and nuzzles into my neck giggling. "What has you in tickles?"

She inhales my scent and pops her head up. "This is the first good sleep I've had in a while." Iris gives a slight stretch and places a kiss on my cheek. Crap this isn't good. I groan at my arousal.  "Oh my!" I already know what Iris is referring to. 

Ooooooh goddess of the niiiiiiight. [What the hell are you doing?]

Shut up Zeus! Who shines her light down briiiiiiight. 

[Dude that's an elementary song.] Be the guide I need when I find me, through wolf I seeeek.

[Kris, you're getting harder. the song ain't working.] Fuck shut up, Zeus.

 The tenting beneath the sheets twitch.

I cover my face, "please act like you didn't se-", warmth wraps around me. I look down and her beautiful head is bobbing on my erection. "Iris, wait you don't have t-". I moan. How is she so good at this? Her hand twists and jerks my length in rhythm with her lips. "Shit, Iris. I-Im...", I release everything into her mouth watching as she gladly accepts and swallows.

"Thanks for the meal", Iris licks her lips, hops off the bed, and goes in the bathroom. I am pretty sure my mouth is catching flies at this point. This woman is a freak! I have to be the luckiest virgin in existence. Wait does that mean she isn't a virgin? Who did she practice on? Wait, did she call my cum a meal?!

[Kris don't even go there. Even if she isn't, that doesn't matter. You are the one she wants. I say let her have her way with you. I'll submit for her anytime]

Of course you would. You're another freak.

My wolf laughs. He is definitely already whooped by her.... well maybe I am too if she keeps doing what she does. I dress myself by the time she steps out quickly trying to calm the erection forming from my thoughts of her. I wash my face and rinse my mouth with some generic mouth wash the hotel provides feeling ready to conquer the world.


We head over to my favorite diner and sit in my booth. Jodi nearly trips when she spots Iris with me.

"Oh my goodness, tell me this is the reason you have been coming in here with sad puppy eyes." Jodi beams at Iris. I choke on my own spit at how straight forward that is. Iris giggles.

"Jodi, I told you about my mother not her or is age catching up to you?" I snap at Jodi and boy does she not like it.

"First of all, mind your manners young man. I have known you since you were a tot. Besides you think I can't see through you. I knew there was more than your mother's story. No one mopes the way you did unless it's a broken heart." Jodi slaps my head with her notepad. "I'm glad you made up."

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