19.Damn It Jesika

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"What the hell was that?" I get out of bed pacing back and forth. My breathing is jagged and I'm beading sweat on my face. A knock raps on my door. My shaky knees guide me over to the door. My mother is standing there panting.

"Son are you okay? I heard screaming and ran here." Cecile looks me over and then looks at Iris who was chugging the bottle of water she keeps on her nightstand.

"Mom, yes we're fine. We had another dream but this time it was so vivid and intense. It scared us, that's all." My heart is still pounding from the adrenaline.

"Okay, go and wash up. We can talk over breakfast." I nod and close the door. Iris wraps her arms around my body scaring me a little. I didn't even notice she got out the bed. Her heart is beating against my back just as hard as mine.

We don't say a word to each other. Instead we go into my bathroom and shower in fiery water. We wash ourselves in almost a zombie like manner not wanting to speak. Neither of us look well. It definitely shows on our faces.

We dress and meet mom in the kitchen who is already almost done scrambling more eggs. On the table sits a stack of pancakes, a plate of scrambled eggs, a stack of maple bacon, and a bowl of fruit. Iris goes to the fridge and grabs the creamer for the coffee and whipped cream for the fruits while I start on the coffee and the plates.

The aroma of coffee puts me a bit at ease along with the smell food at the table. My stomach growls almost as loud as my wolf, making us all start in laughter. Mom and Iris sit down and begin chatting waiting for me to bring the coffee. Alex walks in with a very sad Demetrius by his side and takes a seat at the table. I'm assuming he hasn't forgiven him yet. 

The pot finally finishes its brew and I carry it over to join my family. Once I give my blessing we all dig in moaning as the food hits our stomachs.

"So tell me why both of you gave me a heart attack so early in the morning?" Mom looks over to me and Iris. 

"Yea, I heard that too." Alex voice is full of worry but also full of pancakes. I chuckle at his chipmunk like cheeks and begin to recount the dream and the table falls silent. The dread that I feel I am sure they feel as well.

"This is no coincidence. This is more than a warning. This is a threat." My mom pushes her empty plate aside and drinks the coffee.

"I still think you are picking up on Iris's abilities." Alex interjects and crunches on a bacon strip.

"About that, I ended up remembering that my dreams started before I marked Iris so it couldn't have been her blood affecting me". Alex looks stumped and continues to work on his eggs.

"What have you both been doing different since the dreams started?" Demetrius finally speaks up. I honestly couldn't think of anything different. Aside from the crazy amount of sex nothing has changed. 

"Hmmm I don-" Iris is cut off by the doorbell. "Were we expecting anyone?" Iris looks around the table and we all shake our heads.

"I'll get it" Mom gets up to answer the door leaving us to finish our plates.

"Good morning Cecile", a voice full of too much excitement is chirping down the hall. 

"Why is she here so early?" I look at my mate who is shrugging her shoulders apologetically. 

Jesika pops into the kitchen with a bright smile. I appreciate her energy but right now I don't have enough in me to seem hospitable.

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" I groan not realizing how harsh those words come out. Oh well, too late now.

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