13.7 V-Card Revoked

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Two days later Alpha Robert and Alpha Vinny set out to the woods to set up traps. This would help us learn ahead of time if someone is closing in on the property. Jesika is with Iris and Cassius practicing magic spells, while Alpha Kristofer is with the others forming a plan, should Liber attack first again.

I grab most of the food I just bought from the truck and walk into the pack house. Mom grabs the bags from me and begins to cook up a frenzy. Within the pack house and the ones staying in the cabins around the property, there are at least a little over a hundred of us. Things finally feel like they are in our control again but the Lion shifters still scare me.

My head is pulled back by my hair and my mouth is covered with the softest lips. I allow the tongue to invade my mouth as I inhales that scent I love so much.

"What has you thinking so hard?" Cassius breaks the kiss.

"Everything but right now my mind is blank." I respond staring at his lips.

"Then let me offer you a bit of distraction." Cassius smirks in his little dirty way.

I chuckle, "stop, we have too many wolves here. Kissing is enough." I cover his lips with mine and let myself melt into him.



"Babe are you in here?" I open the door to my room but Iris is no where to be found.

Looking for me? Iris' voice echoes in my mind.

Yes, where are you?

Meet me out front.

I smile and quietly make my way through the house grabbing my coat by the door only to find my mate outside by my truck.

"What's going on?" I walk over to her but all she does is open the door and sit in the passenger seat.

I follow her and get in the drivers side, "where to my love?"

"The cabin." is wall she says and then puts on her seat belt.

We arrive to the cabin and I take off my coat and shoes. Iris passes me by and goes into the room. My vision adjusts enough to the dark to make out petals on the floor and tea light candles. With gentle steps to the room, my eyes follow the lit candles on the floor. They trail to the nightstand with a bucket and champagne on ice. More petals are scattered across the room and bed.

"Babe, what's all this?" I look around to an empty room when the bathroom door opens.

"I had Jesika set this up", Iris steps out in a long t-shirt and nothing else. Not just any t-shirt either, but mine.

"Uh..." My mouth drops. If this means what I think it means then holy crap. I drop the car keys not sure of what to do. She walks over to me in a sultry manner swaying her hips with a wicked smile.

"I need to unwind. I need to clear my mind and I think this will be a perfect way to do so." Iris strips off my clothes without a word while I stand there frozen to her touch. A naughty hand runs over my bulge making me aware I have nothing but my boxer briefs on. She guides me to the bed and pushes me over making me chuckle nervously. Iris climbs on top and trails kisses down my chest. "Are you sure about this?" I barely manage to say between moans.

"Very", Iris trails more kisses down to my aching erection. She pulls down my briefs tossing them aside. I spring free. The anticipation alone has me dripping. Her firm hand grips my length and strokes. A moan escapes my lips. Her touch alone is sending fireworks through my body. I have never felt more like a virgin than I do right now.

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