21.Drunk In Love

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I get in the car with my obviously troubled mate. He is trying to hide his sadness but I can see it in his eyes. I wish I can carry the weight of being an Alpha for him. He is an amazing leader. I wish I had the mental fortitude he has. Instead, I am trying to fight my demons by ignoring them.

I also love that he can run to my home when he feels troubled but he could have also stayed with me. No, don't think that way. How many times have I run from him? I sigh. This man has become everything to me. He helps me heal from my wounds inside and out. He has seen me at my worst. Of course, mentally I'm still not all there yet but the therapy sessions will help  when I resume them. Kristofer grabs my free hand. A sudden surge sparks within me. I'm hot. I know my heat is coming but this is intense. I never have it come on this strong before. I seriously need to throw away that damn tea.

My mind goes into a haze and my vision blurs. I need to undress. My body needs to be free. My skin is on fire. I slam my foot on the gas. I barely make it home in one piece but I don't care, so I drag my mate out the car. Everyone is staring. The glares and shifting eyes slow me down a bit. The stares are burrowing into me with lust. Usually I'd give them a piece of my mind but I feel like I'll mate Kristofer right here if I do anything rash. I squeeze my mates hand. I can't cave into their stares. Only one man can undress me. One wolf has that privilege but I don't want to display that privilege to everyone here.

We make it inside and I vaguely hear Alex running up to me. What's he saying? I try to focus but it's impossible. This arousal is eating me alive. I'm intoxicated by it. I'm off my feet in an instant and then I feel a bed beneath me.

"Babe, touch me", I breathe out in a whisper extending my arms. I can't see him but I smell him near me. He looks like he is floating towards me. Weird?! His surrounding scent in the sheets and room begin to calm this fever I'm running. A growl rumbles from his throat and I gasp as his hands rip my clothes off and replaces them with his lips. "Yes", I moan arching my back. His lips close over my right breast while he massages the other. He works his tongue and spreads my legs apart with his knee. I am a mess. I don't want sweet right now. I want rough and Kristofer must be picking up on it. He flips me over, slaps my ass, and spreads them apart.

No more words are exchanged. Kristofer ravishes me completely. He replaces his tongue with his massive cock. Over and over he pounds into me. I am a screaming moaning horny mess. By the time I regain my senses the sun is already coming up. Kristofer then rocks his hips slowly, noticing my eyes finally focusing on his.

"Welcome back". My mate, caresses my cheek moving in and out of me slowly.

"Hi", I whisper with a very hoarse voice.

"How you feeling?" Kristofer places a kiss on my nose.

"Exhausted", I chuckle but moan as his length slides back in.

"Okay baby, I'll finish myself off." He pulls out, grabs his erection, and masturbates while looking me dead in the eyes. It is the hottest thing to witness him do. So erotic and sensual yet intimate and vulnerable. I love it. "Babe I'ma cum," he grunts. All of his warm seed spills onto my stomach and breast. He kisses my lips in satisfaction.

"Sorry, I couldn't help." I yawn as sleep takes over. "Why was my heat so intense?" I stretch while Kristofer wipes me clean. Such a gentleman.

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