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A slight shiver wakes me from my deep sleep. I no longer felt as warm as I did earlier. With a quick stretch, I notice my leg no longer hurt. I've healed enough. Looking down to where my chest is vacant, I sigh at the fact that she is gone. My mate left without a word. Her scent, however, slightly lingers in the sheets.

 A little sniff allows my body to release the tension it's building from knowing she left. It is definitely a step in the right direction to have her wolf with me. I just want her to know that whatever it is that she is going through, I will be here. I can't begin to imagine or pretend to know the experience she had. I hope she understands through her wolf that I won't do her harm. She wouldn't have stayed if she didn't know, right?

I mind link the doctor to come and remove the IV. I'm restless and I want to check on my pack. Then there's Alex, I want to make sure he is okay since I don't see him in the infirmary with me. Dr. Michael walks in quietly and checks my vitals before removing the IV. Then with the speed of a snail, he gives my thigh a once over, satisfied at how I healed.

"Thank you", I smile at the doctor. "Where's Alex?" hopping off the bed I look over, waiting for an answer.

"He is limping but moving around. He should be in the kitchen with Cecile having breakfast". I nod my head in response and make my way over.

The house is pretty quiet so I can only guess its still pretty early in the morning or the pack is tuckered out from an eventful night.

"Good Morning, mom... Alex" I smile at them both but only Alex returns the smile.

"Good morning Alpha. How are you feeling?" Alex tries to cut the thick air, evident between me and my mother. 

"I was going to ask you the same. Me? I'm okay. I'm already healing well.  I think you had more silver in your system than me but don't worry, I'll get the pricks that did this to us, you'll see." I take a seat closer to Alex.

"Well good riddance to them. I hate that I'm limping. I've never taken this long to heal. Whatever they are lacing their weapons with is a nasty little thing." Alex finishes off his sandwich and clears his plate. "I am going to check on Demetrius." He leaves the kitchen before I could ask what was wrong with Demetrius. 

I turn to my mother sitting across from me and watch her push around her scrambled eggs. 

"Mom?" I do my best to sound calm.

"Yes, Alpha Kristofer," she snaps. 

"I want to apologize. I have been selfish and ignorant towards you and Martha. I honestly and truly do want you happy and if Martha does that for you then great. I, myself, just need time to adjust. I still miss dad and I was angry. I will do better mom." A tear trails down my face. I really do mean every word but didn't expect the tears.

Cecile's expression softens, "son, I still love your father. I just want you to know that the love I have for Martha isn't new either nor is it replacing your fathers love and memory. We were all one and we both lost our other half. I know you was in the dark until now but give her a chance." My mother stands up walking around the table to place a hand on my shoulder. "I want to be happy with you by my side." She walks away leaving me in my guilt.


The next few days go by in another blur. It truly does seem to be a norm for me now. My mind is a multitude of things that makes the days melt into one another. All I know for certain is that tomorrow is thanksgiving. Now of course we don't celebrate it with the same intent as the humans do but living amongst them for so long we picked up the habit since life in the city tends to shut down anyways on that day.

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