13. On The Brink

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I run into the woods the best I could but I almost lose my footing with my legs giving out from the exertion. Disregarding the advice of the doctor I shift into Zeus. If it hindered my healing then so be it. I do my best to stay calm but the thought of Liber doing something to Iris is making me imagine the worst-case scenarios. I ask Zeus to send a mind-link to the pack to prepare to fight and to call our allied packs. While Zeus is making good time with his run he is still struggling with his hind legs. I send a prayer to the goddess to keep my mate safe and to give me and Zeus the strength we need to make it on time, to keep my future Luna safe.

I've alerted Alpha Robert, Alpha Vinny, and Luna Melody. They will be here soon. Demetrius links with Zeus which fills me with a bit of relief.

Thank you. Zeus replies.

The cold air and glaring snow makes it more difficult for Zeus to navigate. The snow isn't fluffy anymore but a melting sludge instead. Light from the morning sun dances between the tree's the higher it rises. Clumps of snow plop all around from branches giving Zeus a freight each time. It doesn't help that I am on edge and am adding to him being jumpy.

Now that the sun is high enough, the woods take on the likeness of a world of mirrors. Each step is more difficult than the last. Blinded by the reflection, the grueling run finally nears it's end.

Zeus and I see the house and he picks up speed ignoring the tears forming from the glare. He can smell Iris and the others along with a very unfamiliar stench. A mixture of rotting wood and sulfur, burn the hairs of his snout. A tall slender man with long dark blonde hair is holding Atlas by the throat. The owner of such an offending smell according to Zeus, stands overlooking the others with their leader in hand. Zeus snarls and carefully walks over to Iris' side now limping. Seeing her safe lessens the tension I have but not enough to make me feel any better.

Cassius runs out from around the back of the pack house and shifts into Shoneah. Tattoos trail down his body with blue flames forming like gloves around his fist. This is something that Zeus, I, and the others can't get used to. It's an experience that exhilarates anyone who bears witness and fear to those on the receiving end. Shoneah lifts his hands as if holding something. A stance meant for those wielding a sword. Zeus stands in front of Iris and wraps his tail around her leg.

Cassius as Shoneah

Liber flinches at the sight of me. I hope my appearance is enough to deter him and for a moment Liber falters in keeping his poker face. His eyes flicker over me, taking in how I look but more importantly trying to assess how much of a danger I may be. He tosses my mate aside after regaining his composure and steps forward towards me.

"I wouldn't take another step if I were you." I snap angrily at how he manhandled my mate and right before me no less. My fist hurt from how hard I am clenching them but I increase the size of my flames to assert myself.

"Funny. Now, who might you be?" Liber de Beur chuckles mockingly. Does he not find me threatening enough? My confidence wavers a bit but I can't show that to him. I can't give him the upper hand. He has already done too much damage to this family. My family.

"My name is Shoneah."

Liber stops and stares as if looking at a ghost but I doubt he was alive the last time a shaman reincarnated. For a moment, fear fills his dark dead like eyes but just as quickly, it is gone. The black coal of his irises soften into a cool collected gaze, examining me as he would a spell book. A smile curves the corners of his lips, replacing any idea that I stand a chance, with doubt.

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