22.The Gift

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It's the night of the full moon and something feels off. I don't know if it's because of last time but I feel like something is coming deep down in the pit of my stomach. I try to brush it off and revel in the fact that this is my first moon run with Iris. Our wolves will be thrilled running freely together. I won't be surprised if they even get a little frisky but I know Zeus has something in mind, then again so do I. My mom and Martha are giggling away as they step out into the night wrapped in one big blanket. They looked hilarious but they have done nothing but find joy in the little things since they got back together. 

I for one don't feel bothered anymore with their relationship. My mother hasn't been this happy since my father passed. Martha brings out in her a child like happiness that I can't possibly deny her. I love seeing her that way, however, watching my mother have a make out session still grosses me out. I turn to my mate and walk with her in our towels to stand outside in front of the pack. The moon is almost about to peek above the tree line.

"Everyone, this will be the last moon run of the year. I want you all to heed my warning. Stay close in territory grounds. Do not wander alone. Link with anyone at the first sight of danger even if you are unsure and most importantly stay with your pair. So under the guidance of the moon, enjoy your run and may the moon goddess bless us all". Everyone salutes and bows. 

The moon now rises above the tree shinning its light and the air changes around us. I shift and so does Iris. We howl into the night. This feeling is thrilling. Almost instantly everyone shifts as well and they howl in return. Now run free. I link with everyone. In a burst of energy we run. 


My mate keeps up along side me in all her beautiful glory. Nora is simply exquisite in every sense of the word. We run for what feels like forever. The bliss of being able to do this with my mate is exhilarating but I have a plan. I stop running prompting Nora to stop as well. I walk up to her and nudge her to follow me. Walking over to the cliff, I have her sit. The moon is high and the small clouds are scattered. Small stars twinkle away in the beautiful cold night. The ground is freshly blanketed in snow from the day prior giving the whole area a serene feel. The river is moving slowly beneath us and nothing but happy howls can be heard from the surrounding wolves. Its perfect. I turn to face my mate.

Nora. Iris. There are no words that could express what Kristofer and I feel. We waited twelves years , since I turned eighteen for our mate, thinking that it just wasn't in the stars for us. Then you came along and showed me what it was to fall in love. What it means to be alive. You filled a hole in my heart I thought was permanent. You even managed to make the thirty year old boy inside me into a man. Sorry Kris, couldn't help myself. Nora and Iris it would be a great honor if both of you accept my selfish wish of being my forever. Will both of you take my paw before the moon goddess tonight and forever be the other half that makes me and the other fool happy till eternity do us part?

Nora Whimpers and walks up to me. 

You foolish wolf did you really think I would say anything other than yes? You not only stood by my side through it all but you helped Iris and I become stronger. Both of you gave me and Iris strength when we were at our weakest. So yes your stuck with us way longer than eternity can provide. I love you both.

We place our heads on one another. Hugging as best we could in wolf form. I lick my mate in delight and howl into the moon. I nudge her and run. She follows and we roll around in the snow. Our huge bodies tumbling over one another. Time is moving so fast which Kris for one is grateful for. He has a ring waiting for Iris at home. Without Iris knowing Kris had Jesika come while we run so she could set up the house for the engagement party and a more formal proposal. 

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