12.8 The Arrival

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It's now a week and a half and I've yet to see Iris in person. I can't speak with her either through our link. My back is healed and I can walk again. I am back to myself and yet I can't get my feet to walk towards her. I look out the window as I have been the last couple of mornings, and catch Iris practicing her magic outside. She looks beautiful wielding her flames and glistening beneath the water she commands.

How I wish to hold her and comfort her. She looks my way and in a childish attempt I say

Hi, I know the link is closed but a fool can dream.


My heart skips a beat.

You're doing great out there. Ugh what the hell am I saying?

[I don't know but you sound like a creep.] Shut up Zeus!

I'm doing my best. I don't want to be the monster I was in front of you.

Iris, you were never a-

Kris, stop. I know what I did and I am truly sorry. I can never make up for what I did but I can learn so that it won't happen again. Just, I need time.

She can see a tear roll down her cheek and the pain gathering in my chest swell with my own.

Babe, you're not or ever was a monster. You are Iris Ellwood. A badass woman I am honored to call my mate. You don't have to do this alone. I am here for you, no matter what.

Iris stares at me for a bit as if trying to find a way to refute my plea.

Do you want some hot chocolate? Iris twiddles her thumbs.

Hmmm, will it have roasted marshmallows? I ask while relishing in how adorable she looks.

Of course, a really handsome man showed me how to do it.

There it is, her smile. I let go of a breath I didn't realize I am holding.

Looks like I have competition. I smile back and watch as she makes her way inside the house.


"What's wrong?" I ask Iris who is downing her second cup of hot chocolate.

"So, I had another dream...err vision."

"Vision?" I ask and finish the rest in my mug.

"While Cass was helping me train I saw lion shifters and bodies everywhere. The shifter asked for my help before he disappeared."

I look at her sorrowed expression and flinch at how deep her sadness goes, "Iris what do you think it means?"

"I don't know but I'm scared. My head is a mess. I can't tell up from down anymore. I thought I was making progress but after I hurt you, I..." She takes a deep breath but I scope her into my arms. The chair falls to the floor.

"Iris, I am here. Feel my strength. I know you're scared but we will get through this. I am terrified about all of this but I faith in us getting through it together. I will not go anywhere. Even if you had broken every bone in my body, I would have found a way to quickly heal and hold you as I do now." I squeeze her trying to pour all my love to fill the parts of her thats sad and afraid.

"Kristofer, don't say things like that."

"But it's true. What happened was a mistake but one that can be learned from and I love you no less from it. Please have as much faith in me as I do in you." I pull away from Iris to look her in the eyes.

"I do have fath in you. It's me I lack faith in." Iris pulls out of my arms and walks away, leaving me once again alone.


I can't say what time it is but sitting here for so long has my mind in circles. I frustration of not knowing what to do to help Iris is weighing on me in a way I didn't expect.

"Maybe I should go for a run?" I mumble to myself. Going back to sleep is not an option. It's still a little dark out and the sun won't be up until another hour or so. I do some light stretching of my legs and make my way out of the house. Maybe clearing my senses will help freshen my mind.

The bite from the cold tries to stiffen my muscles but its fails to do so as they warm up in the run. My breath leaves trails behind me with every huff. This feels nice, I haven't had time to myself like this in a while. When before it was all I had and hated it, I now appreciate the small moments of solitude.

After a while of running, my feet find their way home. It wasnt my intent but I am so lost in thought, here I am. I go in through the back door without so much as a sound. I didn't want to wake anyone who might still be asleep. I wonder if Iris is doing okay but I know she needs space. This run made me realize that me smoother her could be just as crippling as silence. She needs to come to me on her own terms.

Gently, I close the door and take one step in, when voices and laughter make me pause. Who's up at this hour?

More giggling ensues, "stop making me laugh. Everyone is going to wake up."

A soft low growl vibrates through the air, "not my fault your ticklish." More giggles.

"I swear Demi, stop." The whispers sound all too much like Alex and his smell confirms it. Alex and...no, really? I recognize that other scent anywhere.

"Kiss me and I'll stop." The deep husky voice from my Beta replies. What the hell are they doing together?

"Demi, I told you. I don't want to start anything. You know your mate is out there. I'm not going to get in the way-" Alex is suddenly cut off but I can't tell why. I tip toe closer and stop when they start to moan in unison.

"Demi... please." A breathy voice whispers from Alex. Oh my god what am I listening too?!?! [THEY FUCKING?!] Zeus and his vulgar mouth shouts in my head. I turn around and begin to tiptoe back towards the door, so I can make a louder entrance and alert them.

"Shhh, baby. Just focus on me right now."

What? Baby? What the hell? I can not process what's happening. I never saw this coming.

Another moan reaches my ears. Alex is definitely enjoying whatever my Beta is doing, way too much.

I know you're there Kris. My Beta pops in my head. That dirty geezer. He knew and didn't stop.

What the hell Demetrius? Or should I say, Demi!

He's my mate.

I stop tip-toeing. How does that make sense? Alex clearly thinks Demetrius has a different mate.

If that's true why did he say that? This guy thinks I'm stupid or deaf.

For some reason he doesn't know. The bond hasn't affected him for some reason but I've known since his eighteenth birthday.

Then stop talking to me about it, you idiot, tell him instead. I reach for the door.

I'm scared.

Ugh, let's talk about this later, not while you guys are sucking face or... other things. I shut off the link and leave to make my way back to Atlas' pack house instead. That is the last thing I expected. I guess it makes sense why they were always together. I did notice how Alex is no longer hung up on Cassius and how his eyes always follow my Beta.

Man, that pup is lucky. He found his mate right away whether he knows it or not. I wonder if the ten-year gap bothers them. Well, I guess not since they were going at it. Didn't seem like the first time they play hanky panky either.

I close the door behind me softly and greet the cold once more. I take a step off the porch and flinch to screaming. I look around before realizing the screaming is in my head.

Kris help! Iris comes blaring into my mind louder this time.

What's wrong?

Liber is here!

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