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"Mr. Kline, was there anything else you needed before I go?" I run my finger over a list of things I finished and need to get done. If I hadn't cut off my mind link, I wouldn't have been able to get anything done. It's not easy going to law school and doing consulting work as a liaison between my species and humans. Yet, I love it. It gives my life purpose and at this point, I need all the distractions I can get. Life isn't all rainbows and butterflies and that's not including the things I deal with simply because I am a wolf. I need to get out of my head so I can forget what I go through as a woman.

"Can you pass me the Turners case file?" Mr. Kline calls out from his office. Ah yes, the Turners. They are something of a headache. They claim their livestock were killed by my kind and are trying to sue the pack that lives on the property over. Of course this is handled carefully because there is no room for bias. However, the Turners have no proof of the amount of livestock they had prior as opposed to what they have now. At this point it's hear-say. When I spoke to the Alpha of that pack, they denied it but also told an interesting story of how their daughter is smitten with one of theirs. When the parents found out, that's when talks of the lawsuit came about. Unless the daughter comes forward and testifies against her parents, this will be a drawn out case. A waste on tax payers money.

"Okay!" I call out to Mr. Kline who is nose deep in the newspaper catching up on a trial from a competing firm.

He is a rather nice old man. He keeps to himself and doesn't bother me with unnecessary questions. He respects my space and defends me when people make crude remarks about werewolves. For a man his age, he is more open minded than the younger crowd. You would think that a man who has lived more than half his life would be set in old ways but he and his wife have been nothing but kind. They treat me like a daughter at times which means a lot considering they were never able to conceive.

"Here you go", I hand him the case file. "Anything interesting in the case?" I nod towards the newspaper.

"No, but it's pretty much a done deal. They defendant managed to produce a witness and there is evidence that supports the claim but enough of that my dear. How come you look so pale? Are you getting properly?"

"Yes, Mr. Kline. I eat very well. Maybe you're seeing things." I chuckle.

"Don't get sassy with me now. I'll tell Moira to bring in some of her famous pot roast for you next time. If I am to have grandbabies, I need you reel in a good man." Mr. Kline waves me away and begins to flip through the file I handed him.

It never fails that he tries to get me married. I guess he really does look forward to me having a family of my own if only to live vicariously through me. I sigh with a smile and leave for the day. The office may be a safe haven for my mind but it can also pull me under if I let my work consume me. To constantly be nose deep in paperwork, reading nothing but animosity for my kind, can really dampen the mind if you're not strong. You need more than thick skin. Thick skin I literally do not have.

The cold air hits my cheeks reminding me of how quickly winter came. The amount of snow that now piled outside makes me groan as I trudge through it. "I should have worn my other boots." I mumble, feeling the cold seep to my toes through the boots. Luckily I didn't park too far and shove my body into I my car so I can put the heater on low. I am freezing. Werewolves can naturally withstand winter and in human form can retain heat better than human but for some reason I feel the cold easier than the rest of us. I'm still slightly warmer than humans but not as warm as wolves. It's odd really.

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