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The longer I live on this earth,

the more I realize that it needs to be cleansed. Its disgusting.

The humans, along with other creatures live

as though all is right with the world. Its not.

Its tainted and rotten. The scum that walk among me and my kind

are nothing but filth and disease that deserve to be killed.

That's why I will take on that burden. My clan and I will

light the world on fire and watch it burn into a rebirth.

I will sit on top claiming the throne, paving what

this earth needs in black and white. One, to rule them all

and it starts with wolves.

I close the book with a knot at the pit of my stomach. I can grasp now why the councilmen took the high elves out and why Liber was so desperate to have an heir. He was clearly delusional. His grandiose attitude too far gone. A high elf with that kind of mind set is definitely a danger to everyone including himself. Not that death is the answer to every threat in existence but I am sure the council must have their reasons for Liber. Assuming their reasons were similar to ours. 

However, it bothers me that Liber mentions having the help of someone powerful to aid him in his mission. Of course this could mean a lot of people but who else would have known of such a egoistic plan? Are they even still alive? Did the council know?

*knock knock*

"Yea", I call out. Cassius peeks into the room. I wave for him to come in only then noticing how late it was in the day.

"Can you tell me the dream you had last night? Martha tried telling me through the link but she wasn't to specific. Iris is in her room sleeping so I couldn't ask her either." Cassius pulls a chair up next to me. I recount the dream for what is like the millionth time.

"Maybe this is why I reincarnated into Shoneah? Remember when Wolfie said that Shoneah only comes out when something big is going to happen? What if it wasn't my father or Iris' father? What if they were merely a precursor?" Cassius rest his elbows on his knees in thought.

"What in the world could possibly happen then?" I snap, not so much at Cassius but just at... everything.

"...war", I nearly break my neck as I turn to Cassius who sat there as serious as can be. His eyes close with his finger running through his hair turning white as it goes. I sit up watching him transform. Shoneah's tattoos spread throughout his body without the flame present. He looks up to me clearly not Cassius in his eyes. It's odd to be honest. Usually when Cassius transforms he keeps control but this time its like he has completely checked out.

"My wolf child is right, Alpha Kristofer." I blink a few times at the incredibly deep voice coming out of that mouth. I link with Atlas to rush down. "Don't be frightened, I am a friend."

The door rushes open and Atlas stops, staring at the man now turning to him.

"Is everyone alright?" Atlas calls out but looking at me.

"Yes we are." Shoneah assures us but it's still an unsettling feeling. "Just heed my warning. War is coming and it is in your best interest to gather your allies and band as one. There is a trader among us and that will be the spark that lights the flame." Shoneah turns back to me.

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