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Tommy woke up with a jolt. He had been dreaming of the prison again. Of being killed. But he was okay. He was fine, safe in his house-

The boys eyes widened. This wasn't his house. Instead he was laying on the floor of a strange place. Two glass doors were in front of him, and a couch was to his left. It was then when he hears strange clicks coming from behind him.

Tommy turned around to see a boy with blonde hair playing on a computer. Some sort of jumping game from what he could see. Tommy looked at the boy. Although he was sitting, Tommy could tell he was tall. He had blonde hair as well. Tommy couldn't see his face as his back was turned.

The boy groaned quietly as he fell again, going down into the void. He sighed, exiting the game and turning around. The boy jumped slightly when he saw Tommy was awake.

"Oh! Tommy!" He said, pulling off his headphones, "did I wake you up?"

Tommy blinked at the boy. His voice sounded so familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. Where had he heard that voice?

"Uh," Tommy registered the question the boy asked, "no! You didn't wake me at all!"

The boy laughed lightly, turning back to his game, "alright. Toby's in the kitchen if you want anything."

Toby? Tommy wondered who that was. He didn't think he knew a Toby. Tommy shook his head, looking around the room a bit more.

Behind him were two desks, each with multiple monitors on them along with little trinkets. On the couch we're pillows, and a zombie piglin plush. Tommy though that was odd. Why did these people have a zombie piglin plush? And who were these people? They seemed to know him, but Tommy had no clue who they were.

The boy stood up, moving towards the plush. However, he froze when he saw the second plush next to it. It was Ranboo. Or more accurately, a Ranboo plush. Tommy recoiled. Who the hell were these people!?

So instead, Tommy made his way to the kitchen. There was only one door, so he assumed that was the kitchen. He seemed to be correct as he heard someone pulling dishes out of a cupboard. Tommy carefully walked in, almost fearing what he would see. But to his surprise, he saw a human Tubbo.

"Tubbo!" Tommy yelled, running to hug the boy.

The shorter stumbled back, "woah there boss man, I know you just got here yesterday, but calm down."

Tommy was confused as Tubbo pushed him back. Yesterday? Yesterday they were all working on the outpost, not becoming human and taking a vacation.

"Are you okay Tom?" Tubbo asked, giving him a strange look, "you look... I don't know, you just look weird."

Tommy sighed, holding his head, "honestly Tubbo, I feel like I'm going insane!"

"Sit down then, let's talk about it." Tubbo said, taking his cereal over to the bar.

Tommy followed him. Everything felt so strange. Even as he sat down on the stool he felt like nothing was real.

"So what's on your mind?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy shrugged, "I don't know... Like, everything is so weird! Where are we!? Why are you human!? And why was there a fuckin Ranboo plush on the couch!?"

Tommy lowered his voice, "and who's the guy in the other room!?"

Tubbo blinked at him, "um..."

Thankfully, the boy from the other room walked in at that moment, saving Tubbo from the awkward questions.

"I'm so glad they removed Parkor Warrior from MCC." The boy sighed as he walked in.

Tubbo nodded, turning back to his food, "oh my god dude, same."

Tommy looked between them. Why were they so calm? They were somewhere completely strange! Tubbo shouldn't be this calm! What if this was a trick Dream had set up? What if Dream was planning give them a false sense of security to kill them!?

Tommy jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see the tall boy looking at him with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked, "you-you looked like you were having a panic attack?"

Tommy's eyes widened. He finally recognized that voice. But it couldn't be! He couldn't be human! Tommy could understand how Tubbo could be, he was human once before. But how could...

"Ranboo?" Tommy whispered.

IRL {Sequel to In The Game}Where stories live. Discover now