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Tommy held his breath as he, Tubbo, and Ranboo stepped off the train. They had already gotten many strange looks, and taken multiple pictures with fans, before they made it to the place where they were meeting with Wilbur and Phil. Tommy was terrified of meeting this words Wilbur. Was he like L'manburg Wil, or Revivebur...

Tommy guessed he'd soon find out as two men started walking towards them. Immediately, he recognized Wilbur, watching with tears in his eyes as the L'manburg blue coat basked in the light once again. It was L'manburg Wilbur in this world.

"Wil!" Tommy yelled, running up and hugging the older.

Wilbur laughed, hugging Tommy back, "did you miss me that much?"

He did. Tommy missed this Wilbur so much. His Wilbur, his brother. Tommy held him a bit tighter.

"Are you feeling okay Tommy?" Wilbur asked as he tried to pull away.

Tommy didn't respond. He didn't know if he could without breaking down. And he wasn't going to break down.

Phil came up, placing a hand on Tommy's back, "Tom?"

Ranboo and Tubbo stood awkwardly away as Phil turned to them. They stared back at Phil in silence.

Phil just sighed, "what's going on?"

"What do you mean!?" Ranboo laughed, "nothing's going on! Tommy-Tommy's just in character!"

"Tubbo?" Phil crossed his arms.

The shorter boy didn't say anything for a moment. Then he shook his head, ducking behind Ranboo. Ranboo sighed heavily.

"Okay, now I'm actually worried." Phil said, "what's wrong with Tommy?"

"W-well, um," Ranboo pulled up his mask, "he's um, not our Tommy?"

"The fuck does that mean?" Wilbur asked, still being hugged by Tommy.

"He's from the SMP..." Ranboo said.

Wilbur was quiet for a moment, "what?"

"His character and him got switched? We think?" Ranboo explained, "and also Dreams character is in our world too..."

"Tommy?" Wilbur pushed the boy away slightly, looking into his face, "this isn't makeup, is it."

Tommy shook his head, tears filling his eyes again. Wilbur sighed and hugged him tightly.

"How?" Phil asked.

"We don't really know." Tubbo said, "he just woke up yesterday and he was here and our Tommy was gone."

"Well it's lucky I didn't wear my Revivebur outfit for this." Wilbur shook his head, "he would have been fucking terrified!"

"Yeah, and after yesterday that probably wouldn't have been good." Tubbo shrugged.

"What happened yesterday!?" Phil asked.

Ranboo wrung his hands, "we called Dream and Sapnap. And Dream tried to jump through the computer..."

Tommy shivered at the memory. Wilbur held him tighter. It reminded him of when he and his Wilbur were young. When they would climbed trees and fall, then Phil would catch him before he got hurt. And then Wilbur would hug him and make sure he was okay anyway.

"Well to be fair, if we're still gonna do the vlog, Tommy won't have to act?" Tubbo smiled and shrugged.

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