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Tommy was curled up on the couch, biting his nail. Seeing Dream lunging at him, just like in the prison, it almost made him sick. He couldn't stop replaying the memories in his head. How similar they were.

"Hey." Tubbo sat down next to Tommy, making the boy jump, "I got you some pizza."

"Oh, thanks." Tommy took the plate the shorter boy handed him.

Tommy took a bite, chewing slowly as he thought through what had happened. He was in an alternate universe, where apparently everyone is friends. Even him and Dream we're friends in this universe. But somehow, he and Dream switched universes. Now Tommy was stuck in this world with the people who... pretty much created him and his friends. That was a weird thought to think about.

"You're a lot different than our Tommy." Tubbo commented.

Tommy looked up, "how?"

"Well, you're a lot quieter, but at the same time you're louder?" Tubbo shrugged, "if that makes sense."

"I guess." Tommy went back to his pizza.

Ranboo hummed, sitting backwards in his chair, "you act a lot more tense and anxious."

Tubbo snorted, "well yeah. Do you know how much trauma our characters went through?"

Ranboo rolled his eyes, "I watched the L'manburg streams, I know."

"Wait, actually?" Tubbo asked.

"Yeah!" Ranboo laughed lightly, "you didn't know that?"

"No, I didn't!" Tubbo smiled, "that's awesome!"

"Wait, so, Ranboo, you know what happened during L'manburg?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah." Ranboo shrugged, "that's actually kinda how I got on the Dream SMP. I joked about running against Tubbo for president on a stream once and then Dream invited me on. Then I pretended I hacked on."

"That's not how I remember you showing up." Tommy said.

"That's cause the first time we met, you got mad that I was older than you and ran off." Ranboo laughed lightly.

"That's not what I meant." Tommy sighed, "you didn't just appear out of nowhere, you came from a different hub world."

Ranboo and Tubbo glanced at each other.

"What's a hub world?" Ranboo asked.

Tommy looked between the two, "it's a different world. Think how Snowchester and Las Nevadas are separate, but in the same place. It's like that but there's barriers around some worlds, and they're much further apart."

"So, what hub world did I come from?" Ranboo leaned forward slightly.

Tommy hummed lightly, thinking for a moment, "I think you came from the direction of Hypixal..."

"Huh. Cool." Ranboo smiled lightly.

"Wait!" Tubbo gasped, "do you know about the Origins SMP!?"

Tommy jumped lightly at the shorters outburst, "uh, no?"

Tubbo and Ranboo both groaned in disappointment. Tommy felt like he was missing out on something.

"Dude, Origins is so much fun." Tubbo sighed.

"What is Origins?" Tommy asked.

Tubbo smiled softly, "it's a mod that gives you powers. Phil's there, so is Wilbur, Jack, Niki, Charlie, Sneeg, Scott-"

"Who are Charlie, Sneeg, and Scott?" Tommy tilted his head.

Tubbo gave him a strange look, "Charlie's on the Dream SMP?"

"Never heard of him." Tommy shrugged.

"Huh." Ranboo hummed, "he's part of Las Nevadas. He goes by Slime."

"Oh Slime!" Tommy gasped, "Yeah! I know him! His name is Charlie?"

"Yep." Ranboo laughed lightly.

Tubbo sighed and yawned, "I think it's time we all head to bed now. We're meeting up with Wilbur and Phil tomorrow."

"Aren't we filming a vlog though?" Ranboo asked, "won't that be um, suspicious if Tommy's acting like his character? Not to mention the scars?"

Tubbo hummed, then shrugged, "we could probably do a cosplay vlog? We've been planning to for a while, I'm pretty sure Wilbur and Phil have all their stuff."

Ranboo sighed, "alright. Message them to see if they're down."

Tommy was quiet. Admittedly, he was exhausted from when happened during the day. But the thought of meeting Wilbur in this world... What would he be like? Would he be like he was in L'manburg? Or would he be like Revivebur? He guessed he would find out in the morning.

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