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Tommy couldn't believe what he was seeing. How could Ranboo be human!? This didn't make any sense! This had to be Dream's fault!

"Tommy? Seriously, are you okay?" Ranboo asked.

"No!" Tommy jumped up, taking a few steps back, "No I'm not okay! Everything's wrong! You two aren't supposed to be human! We're supposed to kill Dream!"

Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each each other. They seemed confused. Why did they look so confused? Dream could break out and kill them at any moment!

"You know that's all fake, right?" Tubbo told him, "it's just acting. Roleplay?"

Tommy grit his teeth, "I'm pretty sure Dream killing me and bringing me back to fuckin life isn't acting!"

"Tommy, Dream is our friend, your friend." Ranboo said, "you planned that with Dream."

Tommy shivered at Ranboo's words. Dream wasn't his friend. Dream wasn't any of their friends! He was a monster.

"Tommy, is this a joke?" Tubbo asked, "cause it's a pretty shit one."

"Of course it's not a joke!" Tommy yelled, his breath starting to pick up again, "Wilbur is going to break Dream out of prison and then Dream is gonna kill everyone and-!"


The blonde looked up to see Tubbo right in front of him. The shorter had a look of concern on his face.

"What the hell's going on with you today?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy let out a small sob, "I don't know..."

"Are you okay?" Ranboo asked, placing a hand on his arm.

Tommy shook his head, "I'm so fucking scared..."

"Of Dream?" Ranboo asked again.

Tommy nodded.

"Why don't we call Dream?" Tubbo suggested, "show you he's completely different from his character."

Tommy hesitated, but nodded. The two human versions of his friends lead him into the other room. A few clicks later and Dream and another man appeared on the screen.

IRL {Sequel to In The Game}Where stories live. Discover now