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It was hot. Tommy felt the lava warmed stone press against his back as he stared up at the damaged, white mask. Dreams green eyes seemed to glow as his fist came down at Tommy.

The boy woke up with a gasp.


Tommy flinched as someone touched his arm. He scrambled back, hitting something soft. Slowly his mind registered where he was. In an alternate Tubbo's house. And alternate Tubbo and alternate Ranboo we're watching him with concern.

"Are you okay?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy let out a shakey breath, "I'm sorry... Nightmare..."

"You don't have to apologize." Ranboo told him, "are you okay?"

"Yeah." Tommy sighed, nodding his head.

"Are you sure? You were like, almost screaming in your sleep." Tubbo said.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Tommy tucked his knees to his chest, not looking at the two boys in front of him.

"Okay, well, we were going to eat breakfast and then stream, so..." Tubbo sat back on his heels.

"Okay." Tommy shrugged.

"We're supposed to do a you laugh you lose stream..." Ranboo said slowly, "on your channel..."

Tommy looked at the taller boy, "the fuck is a you laugh you lose?"

Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each other. Tommy glanced between the two. Why were they smiling?

"Well," Tubbo started slowly, "we're gonna have to cover the scars, but I think it'll be just fine."

Ranboo nodded, "Tommy's channel should still be linked up. A few tips for this Tommy and no one will know the difference."

Tommy shrunk back, "should I be scared..?"

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