chapter 19

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The bell to indicate that school was over rang and all the children came running to their parents. Yibo was scanning here and there hoping to spot Bobo.
From a distance he saw bobo running to him, he scooped him up and hugged him tightly.
"Daddy, you came?"
" Of course I had to keep my promise" yibo had been totally immersed in the daddy role way too much.
They talked like that with son in father's arms when aYuan came and tagged his his fathers sleeve.
Just then, Zhan came in and saw the scene unfolding. He couldn't believe his eyes it really was yibo.
"He's still so handsome!"
Zhan was still daydreaming and fanboying when he saw another older boy tugging yibos arm sleeve.
"Is that his son? But he's older, does that mean that he had him before we we were together? No yibo is not like that".
Zhan did not know that he had subconsciously started moving towards their direction until he heard "papa! papa? Bobo called coming down from yibos arm sand running to Zhan who hugged him back.
Now it was yibos turn to be dumbstruck.
He closed his eyes tightly and opened them again to make sure he was not dreaming. When you open them again he's still so the same Angel standing in front of him. He could not believe his eyes so he rubbed them with the back of his palms. He even pinched himself a little to make sure that he's not really dreaming.
"He's even much prettier than before , the remaining bits of my heart still beat fast for him , As if it will come out. Does this mean that he has a son? and he told him about me? Why would he name him Bobo? "
A lot of questions were going through yibos mind now. He came out of his rivelie when aYuan called him.
" Hhh! hhh! Did you call me?"
"" I have been calling you for a while now, are you alright Dad?" Ayuan was older now and could talk fluently.
"Yesss I'm ok".
Zhans smile disappeared when he heard dad.
"so he really has another family?"
His heart shattered into pieces
" Yibo" he murmured. They started move inching closer to each other as if they were pulled by a magnet until they they stopped 1 foot from each other. They both mouthed a " why?"
to each other but none of them could say further. Bobo seeing his parents like these decided to intervene because he was a smart child.
"Papa, can daddy come over to our house today? he pwomised that he will come." Bobo said cutely but seriously.
Zhan was dumbfounded he didn't know how to react to his son's question. Now,right now, his brain was blank
" live here?" Yibo was the first to ask.
"Yeah... yes I..I live here for the past 4 years". He sturtured." and you? "
"Me too I moved here 3 years ago when I stopped being an idol"
"Why did you quit? Zhan wanted to ask his but could only voice it in his head.
The children were now not happy about how their parents were busy ignoring them.
" Dad, who are they?"
"Let me introduce you to them, He's Zhan a friend of mine from the from the past, and the little boy is my son, his name is Bobo." yibo said although he was not sure if bobo was his son. He didn't want to hurt the boys feelings. " And this is aYuan, my son." He introduced
"Papa, can they come to our house?" Zhan nodded his head although he was still confused a bit when yibo introduced bobo as his son, it's like he had already accepted.
"Yaah! yaah! yaah!" bobo screamed
" I can't wait to show Daddy my room"
Zhan gave yibo his address since they both had cars. Yibo followed Zhan to a certain gated community which was very exquisite and luxurious. Then opened the door and welcomed them all this time he had not interacted with aYuan.
Bobo held aYuan's hand once they arrived and dragged him to his bedroom.

" Let's play wi my Legos" they left to play and left their dads in the sitting room feeling all awkward.
"Are you thirsty, do you need anything to drink?"
" Just water " zhan went to the fridge and got lime water. Yebo gulped the water while Zhan stared at his Adams apple moving up and down.
"Oh my god he's still very hot
come down my heart, and my head too " he thought and looked at his head.(sigh! someone don't get it)
Yibo caught Zhan staring at him and he moved his eyes very fast and scratched his head nervously.
"Eeeh! I will prepare dinner, Bobo usually eat around this time." Zhan said in a hurry.
Yibo excused himself saying that he would go play with the boys.
He entered bobo's playroom and found the two cities sleeping on the floor on their tummies fixing a motorcycle Lego, it seems that both his sons inherited his obsession for Legos.
" Dad, help us , were stuck at the wheels" aYuan said.
Yibo also got on the floor and helped them, they told stories and laughed a lot when yibo tickled them.
" Yaay! Daddy good at making Lego" said Bobo when they completed the motorcycle.
" We have so many Legos at home, do you wanna see them? I'll show you when you come to our house, okay?" Ayuan offered.
" Yes, I wanna see them, but I'll ask papa" Bobo interjected.
" Bobo, do you live here with only your papa?" A curious yibo asked.
" Yes, we live with papa...Nana meimei comes in the mwoning .... Oh! Uncle Cheng also vwisit us...he give me swo many pwesents." 
" Who is Cheng? Is it his boyfriend?" Yibo thought.
Yibo was happy today, he saw his beloved again, even went to his home. He met the little bubble of joy and he got a lot of time to spend with his son  which he hasn't done for a while because of work.
He was thinking this when Bobo summoned his attention.
" Daddy, will you teach mwi how to ride on a skateboard which is on fwire?
" Where did you see that?" Yibo asked.
" Papa pwicture." Bobo replied cutely.
" I will teach you when you grow older okay? So you have to eat much and grow older faster." Yibo said and Bobo pouted.
" Okay, pwomise" Bobo said and extended his pinky finger... "okay" yibo promised and hugged Bobo tightly.
" What about me, your not hugging me?" Ayuan complained. The two  bobos pulled him in and they tightly embraced one another.

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