chapter 21( make it better)

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The air was cool and the atmosphere was splendid. A perfect day to go on a picnic.
It was the second day that yibo and Zhan would spend in the beach house.
Zhan woke up to an empty bed but there was a dent on the other side of the mattress meaning that he didn't sleep there alone.
"Yibo" he murmured.
He rubbed his eyes in a circular motion, his clothes were wet with sweat because of the fever but it seems that he's well, not feverish anymore.
He got out of bed and decided to have a shower to get rid of the sweat.
He found that everything had been prepared in the bathroom, his toothbrush with some toothpaste, a clean towel and clean clothes. Also the bathtub had been filled with water and his shampoo was there as well.
" How nice, how much I missed this "
He started reminiscing the past where Yibo would bath him and put his clothes on without waking him.
Would he be able to get all that back? That was the question always running in his head.
He took his time in the bathroom and it was already 9am when he came out.
He put on his clothes and walked downstairs to find the house owner.
" Yibo! Yibo! " He called but no one answered.
He found a lot of food on the dining table and a note saying that he should eat the food and find yibo on the beach later.
Actually, yibo had woken up very early, he ordered breakfast and prepared everything for zhan then went out to the beach.
He was very nervous, today he would be having a talk with Zhan. He hoped everything would go just fine and maybe he could get back together with Zhan.
Zhan ate very fast and walked himself to the beach.
He saw yibo few steps away sitting on the wet sand. Zhan knew yibo inside out, it seems like he hadn't changed much. He used to love sitting on sand listening to the repetitive sounds of clashing waves on the shore, he loved the cool breeze hitting his face and the salty smell of the ocean he also loved looking at the blue of the sea.
(This is basically me, the blue of the sea relaxes me)
Zhan approached yibo slowly and sat beside him. There was a long silence before any one of them spoke, they both didn't know how to break the silence.
" Yibo.... " Zhan called " ....I know you want to talk to me...can we talk now?" He asked hesitantly and bo nodded.

" Bobo, whose son is he?" Yibo asked.
" His name, Wang Bo Zhan, sorry for giving him your sir name without asking." Zhan said.
" How is he my son?" Yibo asked again.
" I birthed him, I know it's hard to believe but I can get pregnant,but not anymore since they removed my womb after delivery  due to many complications"
Zhan answered fearing that yibo would despise a man like him.

Yibo faced Zhan and cupped his cheeks.
" Was it painful?" He asked
"Giving birth to a baby, was it painful?" Yibo ask again.
" I didn't feel pain, I had a surgery and they removed the baby, I went unconscious into a comma and only woke up after 2 months, I was bedridden for six months, I couldn't take care of our baby, all this time it was Cheng who took care of us."

Yibo felt a tug in his heart when he heard that, he couldn't take care of his family, another man did his Job for him.
" Am sorry, I didn't take care of you, I wasn't there when you needed me the most, am so useless...." yibo said as tears flow from his eyes.
"..... don't ever say that again.." Zhan cut him.." you're not useless, am the one who left, am sorry, a sorry I didn't give you a choice, am sorry for being selfish and only seeing my hurt but I didn't also want to tie you down because of responsibility." Zhan cried out.

" Why did you leave, please tell me, I always asked this question all the time but no one gave me an answer....pleeaaase" yibo asked desperately.
Zhan told him the story ( come on, read chapter 16, I don't want to repeat myself)
" And you never thought of coming back? At least to let me see our son?"
Yibo asked standing and started to walk away.
Zhan chased him and hugged him from behind.
" I  always thought of coming back,but after giving birth, when I woke up from my comma, you had disappeared from the world, I even told Cheng's husband to look for you but he didn't find you..." Zhan said

Yibo was about to release himself from the hug but he realized something.
" Wait, Cheng has a husband? You're not together?" He asked.
" Yeah, he also has a 2 year old son, why would you think we were together? Wait, is that why you kidnapped me when am still sick?" Zhan chuckled.
Yibo got red due to embarrassment, the day before he had felt extremely jealous when he saw them hugging and it all exploded when Cheng said that Zhan only mentioned him once .
Yibo facepalms mentally, such a waste of jealousy.
Yibo broke the hug and faced Zhan, it was time to take his chance.
" Zhan, will you allow me to be bobo's father?"he asked.

" Listen, you have every right on him as much as I do, that's why I always told him about you, he saw Cheng's son having 2 daddies and wanted the same, now am glad I can fulfill his wish....did you go to his bedroom?" Zhan asked and yibo shook his head, he had only been to the playroom, now he was curious.
" Then you should go and see for yourself, if you want to see our son, you can do so anytime you want...but what will your wife say about this?" Zhan asked.
"' what do you mean wife? I don't have any wife." Yibo replied.
" Zhan heaved a sigh of relief and then remembered something.
" What about aYuan, who is his mother?"
"I adopted aYuan 3 years ago, i first saw him crying under a bench... On my way to my death" yibo whispered the last part inoudibly
He will forever be grateful to aYuan, he saved his life that day.
" You're not married?" Zhan asked shyly.
" Why would I marry others, when my heart only belonged to one person, and it still does?"
Zhan immediately felt heartbroken
" He loves someone?" He thought.
He lowered his eyes which were in the verge of tears.
" Who is it? " He asked unconsciously.
" The love of my life, the most beautiful person in my world...the mother of my child..I lost him once because I didn't show him my love enough...the thing I regret most in my life.." yibo said and paused
He cupped zhans face and asked
" Do you wanna know him? He asked
and Zhan nodded.
He held zhans hand and started walking back to the house.
All this time Zhan did not dare to look up or say anything, his heart was beating so fast, it was as if it would come out...he was not ready for this yet. He was not ready to meet his Loves' love, it's true, he never moved on...his heart still belonged to this one man, the one who drives him crazy and drives him like he's crazy😜.
He was still in his thoughts and did not notice that they had arrived. Yibo pulled his hand and led him to a room upstairs, he had never been to this room.
" Are you ready?" Yibo asked.
" How can I be ready?" He thought but still nodded his head. Yibo counted up to three and opened the door. Zhan raised his head slowly and what he saw was shocking, his jaw dropped and mouth remained ajar.
"My love" yibo said audibly and stepped forward leaving a crying Zhan behind.

"My love" yibo said audibly and stepped forward leaving a crying Zhan behind

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My loves 💚❤️💛

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