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"excuse me! young lady could you come here!?"

Misun takes out her earphones and looks around finally realising the lady was talking to her. The lady motions her hand telling her to come here.

"Hi, sorry dear! Are you on your way to school?" The kind middle aged lady says.

Misun nods her head.

"ah, you're not too friendly are you" the woman scratches her nape while smiling.

Misun's eyes widen in embarrassment thinking she was being disrespectful, she bows politely.

"Sorry ajumma" (a/n idk if older woman get offended by this or not?? but i think this is the right honorifics. sorry if i'm wrong)

"aish, it's okay darling. i didn't talk much when i was a young girl either"

misun laughed at the awkward situation while fiddling with her fingers.

"uh, the smell in here is great." she breaks the awkwardness and looks around the newly opened bakery.

"ah thank you gorgeous." the woman smiled as she placed goods in a bag and packaged them nicely.

misun suddenly got flustered by the comment, "Ah, did you need anything from me?"

"Oh yeah, i almost forgot! could you please buy any of these? they're freshly baked! My grandson helped me bake them so I want to show him that these breads are being sold." the woman says in a kind voice

"oh. of course, how much are those bungeoppang?" misun pointed

"ah they'll be 2000 won for a bag of 5" the woman said as misun's face grew in shock.

"no way! it says 2500 won there, i see it now!" misun whined.

"aish, don't worry. You're my first customer since we've opened, just accept the little discount" the lady smiled.

"fine, i'll get 3 bags of them." the woman nodded and prepared it for her, she then handed it to misun.

misun took the 3 bags and nervously bit her lip as she looked down at her hand that was holding the cash.

she quickly placed the 8000 won on counter then made a run for it as the lady looked shocked from the over payment.

"Thank you for the bungeoppang!" Misun ran as she waved at the old lady.

The old lady sighed then smiled as she shook her head and crossed her arms.

"What a kind soul."


I walk into class to see a group of guys and Soyeon crowded at my desk.

I stand at the door in confusion.

they all turn to me then look away, they dont move from my spot.

Soyeon sits on my desk and sees me walking towards her.

"Oh hi misun." she says while smiling.

"hey." i say as i place the 3 bags of bungeoppang on my desk.

"oh wow is this for us?" jake smirks.

Riki snatches one bag from my desk before i could stop him, "I think it is" he teases.

I look at him coldly. "Give that back, it's not yours."

Riki smirks, "are you really gonna eat all of these by yourself? it's just one bag anyway."

he's right, there's five in each bag and i have three bags, i wont finish it anyway. but, still he could've asked me nicely.

"Okay." i take a seat as soyeon is still sitting on my desk.

"She really has no emotion." Jake mumbles as sunghoon nudges him causing jake to wince.

i try to cram the bungeoppang in my bag and ended up fitting them in from taking my books out.

"Can you get off my desk?" i ask soyeon.

Her face goes red, "Oh yeah." she jumps off my desk cutely.

i turn to the side to see the four boys still here.

they look at me then walk away to their own desks.

"oh misun, have you texted jungwon?" Soyeon asks

"yeah, i'm pretty sure you guys will be hanging out alone today at lunch."

Soyeon furrows her eyebrows as her cheeks go red again. "I can't do that! why would you agree to that??" she slams both her hands on my desk

I flinch then look at her calmly.

She's angry?

"You did this, so i'm dragging you along." Soyeon brushes her hair with her hand in frustration.

i spin my pencil and look at my desk to avoid looking at her, "i think he's just expecting you."

"Well your coming! that's that." and she storms off to her desk.

I sigh and open up my textbooks as the teacher walks in just in time.


Everyone gets up and runs out of the class, including the boys this time. they seem to stop at the door to talk to someone.

i take a glance to see who it is. Black long straight hair, middle parted and tall.

ah, it's jungwon. i guess he's waiting for soyeon.

Soyeon taps me on the shoulder then stands me up by grabbing my arm.

"what?" i say

she looks at me with wide eyes and a fakesmile whispering "remember" then she pinches me causing me to wince.

Before we walk towards jungwon, i yank her arm off of me then run back to my desk and grab my bag. i walk back to the two, who are already awkwardly talking.

Jungwon looks at me as I walk towards them.

"What's she doing here?" he asks soyeon loud enough for me to hear.

"oh she's coming, i felt bad because she has no one to eat with." soyeon says with a fake smile


i looked down, "I don't have to come"

"No, it's fine." he says


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