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They were starting to doze off, too comfy to leave the other's embrace.

"Jungwon are you sleeping?" Misun whispers.

No reply, his eyes are shut.

She starts patting his back gently before closing her eyes too.

Time passed by, the two sleeping peacefully.

Footsteps approach Misun's room.

"Guys I'm going-" Her dad says as he walks into the two that are cuddling each other.

"Now." He finishes before closing the door quietly with a smile on his face.

"Keep her happy." He says to himself.

They exit the house, Misun's dad and her sister, leaving the two home alone.

Time passes by, it was about 9 when they started taking a nap.

Misun wakes up to weird feeling on her neck, she sees jungwon playing with her necklace.

"What are you doing?" She asks

He doesn't bother to look at her, still fiddling with the necklace, "so plain, no pendant or anything."

She pushes his hand away from the thin chain, "thats how i got it, not my fault." She says as she gets into a sitting position.

She looks out the window to see the sun peeping through the blinds.

She quickly looks at jungwon in shock, he looks back at her, clueless.

"How long did we sleep?" She asks worriedly.

His eyes avert to the clock on her bedside table, the time showing 5am.

He shrugs, "long enough?" He replies.

She pushes him gently, "didn't you have to go home? Your parents are worried and it's a school night, jungwon!"

She gets up quickly and runs to her closet, jungwon watching her every move.

She gets her school uniform and rushes to the bathroom to get dressed and ready.

She looks at the mirror, her hair is messy and her eyes are puffy.

Her hands meet her face in distress, what the hell Misun? A boy slept at your house in your room on the same bed on a school night.

She panics but gets ready quickly, she goes back to her room and sees jungwon putting his things in his bag.

"What are you going to wear?" She asks.

He turns to her to see her, already dressed.

"You look so pretty." He says out of the blue.

She groans again and goes back in her closet in panic, she finds a larger sized plain button up, it could fit him.

She gives it to him and he uses his tie from yesterday, "just don't take off your jacket at school, your blazer is dirty so you can't wear it."

He laughs and pats her head, "yeah, yeah. I get it, stop worrying." He assures.

She looks down, embarrassed. She then gets her bag before leaving the room, she hesitates to go to the kitchen, knowing her dad might be there.

She puts her brave face on and goes to the kitchen.

Her sister is eating pancakes with her hair in pigtails, it's weird because they rarely have nice breakfast.

She sees her dad making breakfast, he looks like a different person, his clothes are clean and his face is freshly shaved.

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