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"you're honest like Soyeon. i see why you two are friends."

although i plan on replying, instead, i just silently nod

"hey, misun."

i hum in response.

"is it possible for a person to have like, 2 different personalities?"

my eyes go wide understanding where this is going.

"I've heard about it before why?"

He shrugs, "but like, have you ever texted someone whos different on text than in person?"

I didn't think he expected me to have friends to text.

"Why what's going on?" is the only thing that comes in mind

He deeply sighs before speaking, "Theres this person I talk to, they're fun and honest on text, but then when I see them, it's like all that honesty and braveness disappears. Or like when i see them in person, it's like they're suddenly uninterested in me. i don't know."

I think of what to say, "some people are shy, they're probably not uninterested, just ask them about themselves. I'm sure they'd start opening up more in person as well."

he nods, "i guess, i just don't get how we can be so close yet so distant at the same time."

I sigh, "i don't know.. I'm sorry. But, if you really want something, you try your best to get it, right?"

He stays silent as my words sink into his head. 

he lets out a quiet "yeah..." and we stay silent for a few more seconds until he speaks again.

"Please don't tell anybody about the bakery." he turns to me and looks at me with a begging look, almost sad-like.

i laugh, "who would i tell? it's not like you and i are friends at school." a stingy smile curves from my lips.

he nods happily, "You're right. We don't even know each other at school." he laughs.

I'm not sure what response i was expecting, but, why did I not like hearing those words come out of his mouth?

but, he was right.

We don't know each other after all.

I turn to him, "it shall stay like that." i laugh.

I sit up as i pack my things, the sky was getting darker anyway.

He doesn't mind at all, "okay." he takes one last bite of his sausage bun and starts packing up as well.

We both stand up and start walking away from the field, we reach his bike and I watch as he gets on it.

He looks at me silently before he smiles, "bye misun!" he waves as him and his bike start disappearing 

I slowly put my hand up, "bye." I mutter as it was too late for him to even hear me.

I walk home and try to check the time on my phone.

I try turning it on, it's dead. So, I put it back in my pocket.

The sky started getting misty and dark each step i took.

The day went by so fast yet so slow.

My shoes kick little pebbles each time it sees one. I'm walking tiredly and soon enough, i'm home.

✓ catfish | yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now