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"i was wondering if you were interested in working."

i looked at the lady who was smiling so widely it would physically hurt me if i denied.

i had nothing to do anyway.

a job didn't sound bad at all, it's better to save soon while i'm young. it would definitely benefit me in the future.

i nod profusely, "i'd love that, is it fine? i don't have a resume or anything..."

she grips my shoulder softly, "don't worry! it's only part time. You can just help me out whenever you can. It will help a lot since it's just me and wonnie."

i giggle from the nickname she calls him.

"alright, thank you for offering it to me" i stand up and i bow politely.

"of course darling, and call me halmeoni from now on"

my hand goes up to my mouth as i get flustered by her comment.

i'd love that actually. she really is like a grandma to me.

i nod in excitement then run off as we rapidly wave at eachother till our figures get smaller from the distance.

i walk to my next destination and look at the view in awe.

i've never seen the field look so pretty before.

the grass was a beautiful color of green with blooming yellow flowers.

i dont hesitate to run to the field and start jumping and spinning around, it's just me anyway.

after i get tired, i sit down and place my bag down. i pull everything out and position myself to pick out a good view of what i want to draw.

the sun is perfectly placed sitting right above the large field as i look at it in the distance.

its almost sunset meaning the sky's color is the best right now. i smile as i peacefully sketch while i take a bite of my cookies from the bakery.

nothing is better than spending time like this.

i had one earbud plugged in while i bopped my head to music as i sketch with my stomach on the floor while kicking my legs to the beats.

i even caught myself humming.

i take a break and sigh as the side of my face plops onto my sketch book

now i'm just listening to the sounds of being outside on a nice day with nice background music.

the sounds of birds, cars from far away, and even yelling from the kids in the nearby neighbourhood.

i listen to the sound of a bicycle, the sounds of its basket clanking and a rusty bell sound dinging. i hear it coming close until it drops while the wheel still runs.

i look up out of curiosity, did a kid fall? i havent heard and cries.

i look around until i see a boy picking up his bike and adjusting it to stand up, he props it on a pole before making his way towards me.

as he comes closer, i get a clearer vision of him.

that same black long sleeve turtleneck holding a bag with his silky fluffy hair middle parted hair bouncing as he takes a step.

"jungwon?" i raise my voice so he can hear.

he chuckled then walks up to me, he then takes a seat.

"what're you doing here??" i say as i adjust myself.

he shrugs, "i was on my way home but i saw you here, i have nothing else to do anyway."

"mmk then" i dont mind him and i continue playing my music in one ear.

he laughs, "i don't feel very welcomed." he sighs as he sits down with his legs straight and spread apart, occupying a lot of space.

"pshh! neither did i when i walked into your bakery." i scoff

he looks at me leaving his relaxed face behind as a confused one forms.

"you could tell? i thought you had some sorta social illness or something"


i look at him in disbelief, "why the heck would you think that" i laugh

he shrugs again, "you didn't talk a lot before"

i roll my eyes, "thats because i didn't want to talk to you then."

he puts his hand on his chest dramatically pretending to be offended.

he sighs again, "whatever, what are you doing here?"

"hanging out" i take another bite of my cookie.

he nods and i just turn back to my sketchbook.

i continue to draw while he watches, if i'm being honest, i was expecting him to leave after seeing me just lay here as i draw for so long but surprisingly, he stayed. It's been about 30 minutes since he came and he's still here.

he teases me from time to time, sometimes i feel like i'm still pretending to be Soyeon but, this time, he's talking to me. Not the pretend me, but me as in Misun.

We laugh and bicker as the sun goes down slowly, at times i think,

is this that friend feeling i've been forgetting?

the time i'm spending with him seems to fly by so quickly, i never thought we'd be hanging out today.

"why are you still here?"

he shrugs like he always does, "i don't knows" are always his answers to anything.

it's strange how i feel like i know so much about him.

it's because i do.

"you should give that to Soyeon, i bet she'd like it" he points at the sketch i finished minutes ago.

i nod "maybe"

i lay down on my back and use my bag as a headrest, the breeze gets colder as each minute passes by.

he lays down as well, right next to me with a distance. we both look at the sky, i plug in my earphones to my phone and put one in my ear, he turns and looks at me then takes one as well.

"you're music taste is pretty nice" he says while bopping his head to the songs.

i laugh, "thanks, i know"

"you're quite frank." he pauses before speaking again

"you're honest like Soyeon, i see how you two are friends"


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