Chapter 3

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[3RD Person POV]

Petra sighed as the end of the school day approached. Oddly, she would have met {Y/N} outside the school and the two would walk home together. However, instead of this, she made her way over to an alley. She quickly changed out of her normal clothes and into a red and blue spandex like suit with web designs on it. A smile formed on her face as she pulled her mask down and pulled her backpack onto her shoulders, swinging away with a giggle as she did so. Unbeknownst to her, she was being followed by two other masked individuals.

Petra, aka Spider Woman, giggled to herself as she swung between buildings, barely missing pigeons as she swung. After a few minutes of swinging through the city, she finally stopped on a building, panting heavily while trying to catch her breath. Ever since this Red Hood showed up, her life got a little tougher. On the bright side, it actually gave J. Jonah Jameson someone to villainize properly.

The sun was slowly setting as she looked from the rooftop. This was one of her favorite past times, if she wasn't busy fighting someone. Though the peace didn't last long as something in the back of her head told her someone was watching her. Without warning, she suddenly turned around whilst preparing her web shooters. Behind her were two feminine figures, both seemed unfazed by what she was doing.

The tallest one, who was seemingly glaring at Spider-Woman, wore a black cowl over her head, the eyes glowing orange. Her suit seemed to be high-tech, a red-glowing bat symbol and dark gray armor. The other one seemed to be less armored and meant for a more flexible design. The symbol on the chest was in the shape of a blue bird with light blue accents along the seams. Her mask wrapped around her face, though it hid what color her eyes was. The only thing that both of them had in common was the black utility belt.

"Calm down," the girl in the acrobatic clothing said as she looked Spider-Woman up and down, "we're only here to talk to you." Spider-Woman slowly lowered her arms, though she was clearly on edge about them. It only took a few seconds before Spider-Woman began to recognize the two. Silently, she began to fangirl over what she was seeing, having been a fan of the Batman when she was younger. She had heard of the death of Robin, being saddened by it when she first heard of it. 

"What brings you two vigilantes here?" Spider-Woman asked, crossing her arms as it became night time. The two vigilantes glanced at each other before explaining everything going on. "And tonight, Black Mask and Kingpin are moving some weapons. We think Red Hood is going to be there" Red Wing hummed, glancing at her partner again as both seemed desperate for help. Spider-Woman only thought over what they were saying. "I'll help" she said, holding her hand out for them to shake. The two smirked as they all shook hands. 


A dark gray helicopter flew through the city as it seemed to approach its destination. On a rooftop stood what looked to be a small number of men all dressed in white jackets. One of these men had their hood up as they made their way over to the helicopter. 

"What are they waiting around for?!" one pilot yelled out loud as the hooded goon stepped onto the helicopter. "Seriously" the other pilot mumbled under his breath as he turned to look at the hooded man. "Hey! Protocal says I'm supposed to be on the ground for six minutes!" he said, a little annoyed that the other white clothed people were just standing around. "It's okay" Red Hood said as he removed his hood, pointing a gun at both pilots, "I won't be staying long."

A few seconds later and both pilots were kicked out of the helicopter, falling into the tied up goons. Red Hood smirked to himself under his mask as he slowly brought the helicopter into the air. However, before he could get it fully airborne, something began to make the machinery spark in the cockpit making it difficult for the vigilante to control the damn thing. "And I almost thought they wouldn't show" he mumbled to himself before looking out the window, seeing three figures standing, holding what looked like a cable gun.

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