Chapter 10

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[3RD Person POV]

Jen held her breath as she held the phone to her ear. Her body was shaking as she leaned against Bruce's desk. "Jen? You there?" {Y/N} asked, causing Jen to tense up and try to recompose herself. "Y-yeah" she said, all eyes on her at that point as Petra took a step forward. "I need you to meet me at the abandoned subway tunnel, where Bruce keeps his second lab. And be careful, there is-" Before {Y/N} could finish, the line was cut.

"Is he okay?" Petra asked, quickly getting close to Jen. She hadn't even realized she had been crying at that point. Jen nodded, quickly putting her phone in her pocket. "Then we have no time to waste" Bruce said, quickly pressing a button under his desk. The bookshelf on the wall slid away to reveal an elevator.


Despite being an emotionless killing machine, the Winter Soldier smirked to herself as she crushed {Y/N}'s phone. She had gotten all she needed from it anyway. Despite losing where the Red Hood was, she was still able to lure him to her.

She was honestly glad she had audio files of him talking. Weeks of monitoring and recording phone conversations between {Y/N} and other people had paid off. She began walking to the lab, she needed to prepare a trap.


{Y/N} sighed heavily as he stepped out of a shower. Scars were visible on his chest and upper back. He was currently at Ellie's apartment. Turns out, her family had left her a home in Gotham, which she rarely visited due to the crime rate.

He stepping out the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist as he walked to the guest bedroom. Ellie had said she left some clothes on the bed for him to wear. On the bed was a light gray jacket and black pants, along with a black t-shirt. After getting dressed, he stepped out the room and toward the kitchen.

Ellie had her back to him as Venom came out from her shoulder. The two were obviously busy cooking. "Thanks by the way" {Y/N} hummed, only to earn a scowl from Venom. "I still don't see why we shouldn't eat you" Venom snarled as {Y/N} sat on the counter. Ellie rolled her eyes, pulling some tater tot's out of the oven.

"So," Ellie hummed as she looked over to the male, "the reason you had us attack your friends was so you could abduct that clown, only for you not to kill him?" She had a raised eyebrow, as if trying to wrap her head around what she had just said. "Well, I still intend to kill him" {Y/N} hummed, looking a bit upset at the thought.

"Good luck with that" Ellie hummed, taking a bite out of a tot. "So, what's your plan? Why do you need our help again?" Ellie asked, slight confusion in her voice. A soft sigh left the male as he crossed his arms. "Last night, I was attacked by a female version of the Winter Soldier. Then I was abducted by two people, one of them claiming to be Captain America," he explained, earning an even more confused look.

"So you're telling me, you got your ass handed to you by the Winter Soldier then abducted by a Captain America cosplayer?" Ellie asked squinting her eyes as {Y/N} nodded. "And I think you and our mutual friend," he said as Venom only glared at him with a tater tot in their mouth, "could work as detectives before making a move." Ellie thought for a moment before a smile formed on her face. "Where do we start?"


Back in New York, MJ sighed heavily as she knocked on Aunt May's door. Her face held one of concern as Aunt May opened the door. "Hey" the elderly woman said with a bright smile, her orange hair in a curler as she looked at MJ. "Hey, Aunt May" MJ muttered as she smiled brightly at her.

"Me, Gwen, Harry, and Ned have been trying to call {Y/N} and Petra, but they aren't picking up" MJ said, her voice becoming more concerned. "Oh, they both said that they'd be going to Gotham" May hummed with a grin, "seems like Petra gets all the attention from billionaires." MJ nodded, though a slight look of confusion was on her face.

To her knowledge, she was the only one to know of Petra's identity as Spider-woman. So what was she and {Y/N} doing with Bruce Wayne? "Thanks, Aunt May" MJ hummed before turning away. "Oh, and sweetheart," Aunt May hummed softly, "tell him before it's too late." And with that, Aunt May closed the door behind her as MJ couldn't help but blush slightly.


The Winter Soldier watched from the shadows, her eyes quick adjusting to the dark as the wall to the subway opened up. More people than what she was expecting, but that had never slowed her down. The Batman looked around, his eyes squinting as he looked around the cave. Robin also looked around, though she looked as though she didn't want to be there.

Then there was Batgirl, who casually took a photo. Next to her was a blonde girl with blue eyes. The Winter Soldier had never seen her on her Earth before. She had a bright blue suit and red cape. There were red highlights along her suit and she had a red skirt.

"Jen, you sure he said he would be here?" Spider-woman hummed as she and another girl, presumably Jen, stepped into the room. "I'm sure" Jen said confidently as she looked around. As Jen got closer to the computer, something in the back of Petra's head began to tingle.

"Duck!" She yelled as a large net fell down. It's weight pinning everyone to the ground. Well, everyone except the blonde girl. Her eyes glowed red and part of the net burned away. "Der'mo" (Shit) the Winter Soldier mumbled as she was suddenly face to face with the blonde girl, who was floating in front of her...

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