Chapter 14

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[3RD Person POV]

{Y/N} stood atop a building, looking across the city with a mix of confusion and concern. Superman became evil and took over? What could have caused all of this? In any case, it wasn't safe for him to be out. Looking across the buildings, he couldn't help but notice three other individuals standing on rooftops. "Huh" he hummed, deciding to make his way over to them. Using his grappling hook, he swung over to the four individuals and prayed to whatever god was out there that they were not some twisted version of his friends.

"...Gotham, sort of" Green Lantern hummed, looking around at all the waving Regime banners everywhere. "Temporal displacement? Alternate Earth?" Arrow hummed, looking up from where he was sitting to look to Wonder Woman. "Could be either. We may have jumped to a different dimension. Or events in our own timeline have changed and we're in a new, altered present" the Amazon hummed before looking to Aquaman. "We need to determine which" the fish man responded, "Soon. If Joker's bomb detonated, we have to get back."

"Someone mention Joker?" Red Hood hummed, clinging to the side of the building they were on. Green Arrow immediately drew his bow, ready to shoot his arrow before noticing it wasn't an enemy. "Jesus kid!" he exclaimed as he lowered his bow, "Don't go sneaking up on a bunch of heroes without notice!" Red Hood ignored him as he climbed up. "Ring, where's the nearest power battery" Lantern said, ignoring the small conversation behind him. "The Ferris Aircraft facility in Coast City" the ring responded, which was enough to give the ring slinger a reason to get out of this Gotham. "I'll be back, just don't do anything stupid like get caught" he said, flying away to Coast City.

"I'll go check the Atlantis Archives, there's bound to be something in there about what had happened here" Aquaman said, walking away from them to leave for the ocean. Awkward silence fell between the three as Wonder Woman looked out over the city. "You know, other than those flags, nothing has really changed here" she hummed as Red Hood stood next to her. He was deep in thought. If their universe's Joker was involved with how they ended up there...


Petra barely caught her breath as she landed on the rooftop of a building. She had just escaped someone who had looked very similar to her friend in her dimension so of course she'd be a little shaken up about it. Laying down, she panted heavily as she stared up at the stars in the sky. Slowly, she got up and gasped as she watched search helicopters flying around. "What the hell is going on here?" she mumbled, looking across what she assumed was Metropolis, but there were definitely things wrong with it. A couple plaques ran along the ground around a statue of a woman she'd never seen before stood in the center.

Swinging towards it, she landed gracefully at the base of the statue. "Lois Lane" she mumbled to herself. Suddenly, her spider- senses went off and she turned around. Her heart pounded in her chest as a threat lurked around her, not leaving her. "Arachnid, you're back early" a soft spoken voice called out. Turning around once again, she found herself looking at the Man of Steel himself. Yet, something was off about him. "Well? Did you catch him?" he asked, his tone much darker than before. "N-no, sir" she responded as she did not know what this Superman meant, but decided to play along despite her spider-sense's warning...


It had been a couple minutes since Green Lantern's and Aquaman's departure and Green Arrow seemed to be getting bored. "So," Wonder Woman hummed as she turned to {Y/N}, "I heard I was your favorite Justice League member. Care to elaborate?" The male physically tensed up at the mention, though he thanked the heaven's above for the helmet. "And who told you that?" he asked, looking over to her. "Batman grumbled it all day when he realized he wasn't anyone's favorite league member" Green Arrow hummed, chuckling to himself at the memory. "Well, what's not to like?" {Y/N} hummed, earning a raised eyebrow from Wonder Woman.

"I-I mean, super strength, speed, badass weapons!" the male quickly added, "I-It's not just cause you're hot!" The Amazonian giggled softly at the male's nervousness, seemingly reminded of how Steve reacted to her the first time they'd met. "Well, isn't this a surprise" a cold voice muttered causing the three to look in the direction it came from. There, hovering above them, was Sinestro. "Oh shit" {Y/N} muttered, looking at the floating yellow lantern. A yellow construct of an axe hovered over their heads. "Everyone down!" Green Arrow yelled, suddenly jumping off the roof. He flipped his body around, shooting an arrow at the side of the building so he'd slide down. Wonder Woman instinctively grabbed onto {Y/N}, holding him against her bosom as she jumped off.

"Hal are you there?! Hal!" she called into her earpiece as the two landed onto the ground. Under the red helmet, {Y/N} was blushing like crazy as he got out of Wonder Woman's grip. "Wonder Woman?" Hal's voice muttered from the coms. "Get back here fast. Sinestro's here!" she exclaimed as {Y/N} pushed her out of the way of a swinging blade. "On my way!" G.L exclaimed. Sinestro snarled slightly, using his ring to create a cage around {Y/N}. Wonder Woman looked back before glaring at Sinestro and drawing her sword.

The yellow lantern only smirked, firing a bunch of yellow bursts of energy at the Amazonian, who held her shield up. Green Arrow drew his bow back as Red Hood fired his pistol at the alien. Everything they threw at the Lantern didn't bother him as a giant yellow hand smacked both Green Arrow and Red Hood aside. He grabbed hold of Wonder Woman with another hand, grinning widely as an axe began to chop near Green Arrow and {Y/N}. "I've always wanted to kill Green Arrow again!" He snarled, the axe getting closer to the two...

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