Chapter 11

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[3RD Person POV]

Stefani sighed heavily as she walked around Gotham in civilian clothes. She had her shield, though people thought it was a replica or just a prop. "See him anywhere?" she mumbled softly into an earpiece. Tonya, who was flying over the city, sighed as she hovered in the air. "Nothing yet" she said softly, the AI in her helmet scanned the crowd. Stefani thought for a moment, pulling the cap that was on her head lower as she continued to walk. "He was obviously trained to be stealthy" she mumbled, her eyes darting around to every male.

"So, why is he important to you?" Tonya asked, flying over some of the streets as she continued to scan crowds. Stefani hesitated for a minute, her eyes looking down to the ground as an image of a casket filled her mind. "He was just special to me," she mumbled, looking up to scan the crowd. "You do know this isn't the same {Y/N}, right?" Tonya said, her own voice filled with sympathy. However, she didn't get a response from Stefani as she went back to searching for {Y/N}. "Got something!" Tonya said quickly, her gaze toward Wayne Enterprise.


Venom snarled as she held onto {Y/N}. "You aren't scared of heights, are you?" she asked sarcastically as the male shook his head. The two were currently outside Wayne Enterprise, which had a secret store room filled with backup equipment. "Just shut up and get us to the top floor" {Y/N} said, gripping onto the symbiote's back. It was surprisingly fleshy, however he didn't have much time to linger on that thought as she suddenly began to climb.

It was a very short climb for Venom as she got to the roof without a problem. Standing up, she sniffed the air. "Does Bruce drink?" Ellie asked as Venom retreated back into her skin. Before {Y/N} could answer, a soft thud could be heard. Looking over toward the noise, {Y/N} sighed heavily as there stood his two kidnappers. "So, did you two put a tracker on me?" he asked, crossing his arms. Ellie looked confused for a moment as Tonya's helmet retracted back.

"Please, just listen" Stefani said, putting her shield on her back. "Why should I?" {Y/N} said in an annoyed tone, "you kidnapped me, tied me up to a chair, and then proceeded to hack my helmet. So tell me why should I listen to you?" Tonya took a step forward, though Venom quickly formed a fist in Ellie's hand, protecting it in black goo. "You'll die. Hell, you almost did die when you first fought her!" Tonya said, holding a hand out. Footage from the fight played, which was all gotten from {Y/N}'s mask.

The hologram of the fight played and soon, the Winter Soldier began to beat on him. "Your heartrate began to spike and your vitals dropped," Stefani said, "You need to let us help you." {Y/N} only watched, though his face remained blank as he watched it. "Why do you care so much about my life? Someone you barely know?" {Y/N} said as Stefani tensed up. She glanced away, but it clicked in {Y/N}'s head immediately.

"I died in your universe" he said softly, getting the idea. Stefani nodded, feeling tears forming in her eyes. "Your doppelganger was the Iron Man of my universe" she mumbled, though immediately she stood up straight. {Y/N} stayed silent for a moment, not knowing how to respond to that. "So at the very least, let me get closure for loosing him by letting me help you" she said, her eyes squinting at {Y/N}.

Reluctantly, {Y/N} nodded, earning at least a small smile from the other universe's Captain America. "Well now that you two are done with your drama bullshit, can we please get to the reason why we are here?" Ellie said, crossing her arms as Venom retreated under her skin again. "Right" {Y/N} hummed, walking over to what looked like an air vent. However, pressing a button on the side made the thin metal slide away, revealing an elevator. "Follow me" he said, stepping onto it.


The Winter Soldier groaned in pain as she was suddenly slung into the computer. Kara only glared at her with glowing red eyes. "Where is {Y/N}?" she asked, slowly floating toward the Winter Soldier. Jen struggled against the weighted net, trying to move out from under it. The Winter Soldier growled slightly, pulling her pistol from her hip and firing at the Kryptonian. Kara didn't even flinch as she raised her hand.

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