Strong Enough/ Memorabilia ( Chapter 11.5)

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[3RD Person POV]

A week had passed after the fight with the Winter Soldier and things were slowly going back to normal. Though, "normal" wasn't really a thing in Wayne Manor as Tonya and Stefani were still trying to find their way home. It also didn't help that {Y/N} was yet to give Venom her payment, leading to the symbiote, and by extension Ellie, to stay there until payment was made.

Currently, {Y/N} was sat next to his motorcycle. He had recently gotten a nitrous booster and was itching to add it. "When I'm done with you, you're going to be better than new" he mumbled to himself, music playing from his phone as he worked. However, behind him, Stephanie and Tabitha stepped out of the elevator.

{Y/N} didn't even acknowledge their conversation. Though when Tabitha almost tripped over a tire iron, a small pout formed on her face. "Stop leaving your stuff everywhere" she said, crossing her arms and glaring at the back of his head. Without even turning around, {Y/N} grabbed his new phone and paused the music playing. "Sorry, I was working on the Batmobile earlier. Guess I'll just leave it broken next time" he said, causing Tabitha to storm off in frustration.

"Could you bring it over here for me" {Y/N} said, still not turning around. "What's the magic word?" Stephanie hummed, smirking to herself. {Y/N} finally turned around to look at her sitting down from his squatting position. "Spoiler is the best?" he guessed, letting out an exhausted sigh. "I would've accepted 'please' but that works too" she giggled, grabbing the tire iron.

A loud scrape echoed through the cave as she picked it up. It suddenly felt like there was a pressure on {Y/N}'s chest as his eyes widened. 'It sounds like...' he didn't even want to complete the thought. "Here you go" Stephanie said, smiling as she held out the iron. However, in {Y/N}'s eyes, it looked like a crowbar.

"I-I forgot something upstairs" he lied, pushing past her as he felt his heart race. His whole world was spinning out of control as the manor seemed to merge with that damn warehouse. "{Y/N}, what's wrong?" Stephanie quickly asked as {Y/N} stepped onto the elevator.

'Need to get out' he though, feeling a knot in his stomach, 'need to get somewhere safe.' His throat felt like it was closing up as the elevator door opened. Tonya had been walking by,but he didn't hear what she had to say as he pushed her aside.

He could hear his heart pounding in his ears, the walls seemingly shifted to the high crates that were in the warehouse. 'I don't want to go back there! I don't want to think about him!' He thought, finding his room and quickly curling up into a ball.

A shadow loomed over him and his breathing worsened. 'I can't, I can't do this, I can't go back' he thought as he closed his eyes tightly. "{Y/N}, look at me" a familiar voice said softly. He barely looked up to see Jen looking at him with a very concerned look.

"Please look at me" she said softly. "J-Jen, I-I can't..." he mumbled as Jen squatted. "It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay" Jen mumbled softly as {Y/N} began to breathe heavily. "He... he's here" he mumbled, closing his eyes tightly, "not him, please. Anyone but him!"

Jen sat down in front of him, watching him carefully as Bruce watched from the doorway. "You're in the manor, you're safe" she said softly, "Touch the carpet- touch your clothes. Ground yourself here" she said as {Y/N} listened.

Slowly, his tensed up nature faded as he looked up. "I-I'm in the manor" he mumbled, looking around. "That's right" Jen said, smiling softly, "You're safe here, I promise." She reached out and put his hand into both of her's. "Petra will be here with a weighted blanket if you want it" she mumbled as Bruce only smirked before walking away.

An hour passed and {Y/N} was sat on the couch. In one hand was a hot cup of tea and in the other was a plate of cookies. Jen had laid her head on his shoulder, scrolling through movies that they could watch. Eventually, Petra joined them, sighing as she laid against {Y/N}'s lap.


Early one day, Erica walked through the mansion wearing a bright blue hoodie whilst holding a box. Bruce couldn't help but notice and look up from his book. "Hey Erica, what's up with the box?" He asked only for Erica to hum as she looked up.

"Oh, there was a sale at the Justice League Memorabilia yesterday and I got stuff for everyone's favorite heroes" she said innocently with a smile. "Oh, well that's nice of you" Bruce hummed softly. "It's no big deal" Erica quickly responded before turning around, revealing to be wearing a Superman hoodie. Once out of earshot, Bruce looked back down at his book. "Superman, figures" he mumbled to himself.

Later, Bruce could be seen training in the Batcave as {Y/N} soon joined him. "'Sup" he said, not looking up from his phone. Bruce turned to look at the other male, only to notice that he was wearing Wonder Woman sweat pants. "Hmm" Bruce grumbled, pouting slightly.

Late in the afternoon, Bruce hummed as he flipped through files. "Tell me again about your symbiote?" Barbra asked Ellie, who looked to be excited to talk about it. Bruce couldn't help but look up, seeing Ellie wear a Shazam brand t-shirt and Barbra wearing a Black Canary shirt as well.

"Hmm!" Bruce grumbled, storming out of the cave to go eat dinner. At the table, Bruce sat down to eat his steak only to hear a loud slurping. Looking up, his eye twitched as he saw the Green Arrow cup Stephanie was drinking out of.

"Green Arrow!? Really?!" Bruce snapped, earring a confused look on Stephanie's face. "What? He's cool! Justice League member, fights crime without any powers. Game recognizes game!" She responded, smirking as she noticed Bruce's twitching eye. "But that's what I do!" Bruce exclaimed, clearly frustrated as Tonya sat down next to Stephanie. Tonya only hummed softly, tugging at her Aqua-man shirt.

"Are you blonde and use a bow?" Stephanie responded, grinning as Bruce picked his plate up and stormed off. He didn't notice Petra walk in wearing Batman pajama pants. "What's up with him?" She asked, earning a shrug from everyone at the table.

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