Chapter 9

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[3RD Person POV]

{Y/N} glared daggers at Tonya, who wiggled her hips to a song as she went back to tinkering with his helmet. "Thermal vision, x-ray, and a built in AI? What are you? The Predator?" Tonya hummed, turning to look at him. {Y/N} said nothing as he just glared at the raven haired woman. "Fine, don't answer" Tonya mumbled, plugging in a wire to the helmet.

Stefani sighed, cautiously looking out a window. "What are you even looking for?" Stefani asked, glancing back to look at Tonya. "Just wait" Tonya hummed softly. Looks like this was going to be a long night...


Ellie grumbled softly as she walked through the streets of Gotham. "I can't believe we believed him!" Venom snarled, causing Ellie to jump slightly at the sudden voice. Ellie only rolled her eyes, looking around as she didn't respond. "He used us to get his stupid revenge on that clown!" Venom yelled as Ellie got annoyed. "Just shut up!" Ellie snapped, earning weird glances from people.

Blushing from embarrassment, Ellie quickened her pace. She sighed, pulling her hood over her head as she looked around. "I get that he ripped us off" she whispered, looking around to make sure no one could hear her, "but we can reason with him, or get him to give our payment." Venom seemed to think for a moment before suddenly jerking Ellie's head in a direction.

"Why is she here?" Venom purred as Ellie tried to see what she was talking about. Across the street, Petra could be seen with another person entering Wayne Enterprise. "Good question" Ellie mumbled, her curiosity peaking as she ducked down into an alleyway. A few seconds later, Venom could be seen swinging over to Wayne Enterprise.


Cassandra sighed as she tapped buttons on the elevator, which began to ascend to Bruce's office. Petra looked nervous, rubbing her arm as the two stayed silent in the elevator. "So... is {Y/N} single?" Cassandra asked, breaking the silence. Petra jumped at the question, confusion on her face as she glanced at the former assassin.

"I think so, why?" Petra hummed, curious as to why Cassandra would ask that. "Just curious" she responded, leaving Petra with an uneasy feeling as the doors to the elevator opened. Bruce was currently pacing, a look of dread on his face. He heard the door open and looked at the two. "Was he there?" He asked, concern in his voice as Cassandra shook her head. "Jen is not going to like this..." Bruce mumbled, turning to look out the window.


Back at Wayne Manor, Erica and Jen were casually sparing. Beads of sweat dripping from their face as the two were locked in battle. "Call Uncle!" Jen exclaimed, holding Erica in a restrictive hold as Erica looked up at Jen. "Never!" She exclaimed, grabbing Jen's breast and pinching hard. A sharp squeal of pain escaped Jen as she let go and Erica slid out into safety.

"No fair!" Jen exclaimed, rushing toward Erica as the other had a smirk. "Do you think that criminals and crime lords care about fair?" She hummed, blocking a few punches. "You two are children" Dayana hummed softly as she could be seen sitting casually in the robotic T-Rex's mouth. Before either former Robins could respond, a phone ringing could be heard.

"I got it" Jen hummed softly before rushing to grab the phone. Answering it, she could hear Bruce saying something to what sounded like Petra before addressing the phone. Erica and Dayana couldn't hear what was being said, however it was enough to cause Jen to drop the phone.


"Are you sure it's a hood idea to tell dad?" Nora asked as she looked nervous. "I mean, messing with time is one thing, but the whole universe?" Bart sighed softly as he shook his head yes. "If anyone could help, it's dad" he said, getting prepared to start running.

"I hope you know what you're doing" Nora mumbled as the two started to run. Purple and yellow lightning could be seen trailing off the two as they ran. Trying desperately to break the dimensional barrier. They ran, their combined speed finally breaking the dimensional barrier, not knowing that that had consequences.


{Y/N} grumbled softly as he glanced behind the chair. "I wouldn't even bother trying to break those" Tonya hummed without looking up from the computer, "they're from my world and I designed them to be inescapable." Stefani sighed softly, deciding to take a break from guard duty.

"Almost found it" Tonya said, rapidly typing on the computer. "Again, what is it you're looking for?" Stefani asked, laying down on the possibly filthy bed. "So, you know how our worlds' Batman had files on every hero?" Tonya muttered, grinning as she seemingly found the right file, "well, this Bat-boy is the same."

Standing up, Stefani came to look at the computer screen, seemingly understanding the idea. "So we find a file on the Winter Soldier-" Stefani began to say, grinning as Tonya smirked, "we can find her weaknesses." The two grinned, turning to look at the bound male only to freeze. Nobody was sitting there, only a pile of the rope was there. "Fuck" Tonya mumbled as Stefani looked at her. "Language" the other responded, earning an eye roll from Tonya.


Venom snarled as she finally caught the scent of Red Hood. She jumped from building to building as Ellie tried to think of a plan. "Listen," Ellie said as Venom landed softly on a building, "we don't need to kill him." A low growl left Venom as she soon stopped hopping between buildings.

"There~" Venom purred as she looked down at a male figure, clearly running from someone. They quickly dived down an alleyway. Venom grinned, jumping to the next building before landing on it. The male climbed up the side, using the fire escape before panting. However, he was surprised to be suddenly grabbed by the neck by Venom.

"Hello, Red" Venom growled, the male grabbing at her arm. "L-listen!" The male said, choking as Venom's hand, "I-I need your help a-again!" Venom glared at him, her eyes narrowing. "Why should we believe you?" She asked, lifting him up higher. The choked, clawing at Venom as she only snarled. "Stop it!" Ellie screamed as Venom snarled. "Why should I? He's only using us again!" Venom responds as the male gagged.

"I-I'll d-double" he choked out, gaining Venom's attention. She let him go, but leaned down as he gasped for air. "Triple it and we'll let you live" she snarled, earning a nod as the male gasped for air. Venom retreated under Ellie's skin, allowing the female to finally get a good look at him. She blushed slightly, leaning down to help him up. "What's your name?" She asked, concern in her voice as the male finally caught his breath.

"{Y/N}" he mumbled, coughing before standing up straight. "Well, {Y/N}, looks as though we need to work together again" she said, "and hopefully we won't have to hurt each other." {Y/N} couldn't help but sigh softly. "I just need to do one thing first" he said, glancing to Ellie, "do you have a change of clothes and a few quarters?"


Jen stormed up to Bruce's office, anger on her face. News of {Y/N}'s abduction had reached most of the Batfamily, hell the Justice League was informed of his disappearance. "Ma'am-" the receptionist began to say, only for Erica to quickly step in. "Bruce asked to see us" she said quickly as Jen slammed the door open.

Petra and Cassandra were there, along with Kara and Barbra. "Calm d-" Petra began to say, only to earn a death glare from Jen. "Don't you dare tell me to calm the fuck down!" Jen exclaimed, turning to look at Bruce. "Care to explain why this is happening again!" She yelled, Bruce sighing as he looked saddened.

"I-I don't know" he mumbled, only to physically back away as Jen slammed her fist into the desk. "Bullshit!" She yelled, everyone in the room silent as she glared at Bruce. The silence was broken as Jen's phone began to ring. She growled silently, guessing it was Alfred or someone calling to say they had a lead.

Answering the phone, and growled, not bothering to see who called. "What is it?!" She snarled, though her anger dissipated as the other person finally spoke. "Hey Jen" {Y/N} said, earning a soft gasp from Jen. "{Y/N}?"....

(Sorry this chapter took so long to write. I had a huge writers block and couldn't think of anything to write)

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