Chapter 5

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[3RD Person POV]

After making it back to the luxury apartment, Jen groaned softly as she crashed onto the couch. An audible sigh leaving her as Erica, who was now using crutches, made her way into the room. "Rough night?" she asked, looking at the defeated figure laying down on the couch. "He got away again" Jen mumbled, sitting up to allow Erica to sit down. A soft sigh came from Erica as she sat down next to Jen. "What happened this time?" she asked softly, pushing her hair out of her face.

Jen began to explain everything from her and Spider-Woman fighting with Red Hood, to how Red Hood killed on of the Fearsome Hand of Four. Erica only listened and sighed when Jen was done explaining. "Go get some sleep" Erica hummed, getting up and limping away with her crutches back to her room. Jen looked down at her cowl before realizing the audio from the previous night should be done.

Racing to her room, she grabbed her laptop and pressed play, listening to the audio. "You haven't lost your touch, Jen!" the audio of Red Hood yelled, making Jen's eyes widen. She threw her laptop to the side as she got up, calling Bruce as soon as she could. Quickly, she ran out of the apartment, heading to Petra's


Back in Gotham, two guards for Arkham Asylum dozed as they sat behind terminals guarding a corridor. A sudden knock on the door startled the two, making them look up to see a fellow guard.

"Hey Jerry, just closing up for the night" the guard outside the room said as he pushed against the door. "You mind?" He said, the other two getting the idea and pressing a button.

The guard barely had time to get through the door before a gunshot rang throughout the building. The guard dropped dead as multiple goons with weapons came walking in. "Sorry, schedule to keep" the lead goon said as he continued walking. "You didn't have to kill him" Jerry muttered as he stepped outside of the guard's room to let the goons through. "One, yes I did. Two, we're paying you a ton," the goon said, approaching the insanity wing doors as Jerry met him, "so three, shut your damn mouth and open the fucking door!" the goon said, making the two other guards roll their eyes and let the goons through.


Back in New York, a young girl with dark, black hair sighed heavily as she walked along the street. Her hands were in her pockets as she mumbled to herself. "I have absolutely no problem with you sticking around," she muttered as a passerby glanced over to her and stepped out of her way, "but if you do, we're gonna have to have some ground rules, all right?"

She looked over her shoulder as people walked by her. "You cannot just go around eating anybody that you want to" she said in a quieter voice, hoping no one heard her. "I cannot?" a voice rang in her head. It was slightly gruff, yet feminine. "No, you cannot", she replied, thinking as she slowly approached a store. "There are good people in this world, a lot of them. And then there are bad people. You have to tell the difference. The deal is, you will only ever be allowed to touch, harm, hurt, possibly, very possibly, eat very, very bad people, but never, ever, ever good people. All right?" she said softly, only earning a grunt from the voice.

"Fine," the voice responded, though another question seemed to come from it, "How does one tell the difference?" The girl stopped, thinking before finally answering. "Well, it's super simple. I mean, you just have to... You can intuit it; you can sense it. Sometimes you can even feel it," she explained, opening the door to the shop and entering. A small bell rang, and the girl gently waved to the owner. "Hey, Mrs. C." she said, continuing toward the back. "How are you doing, Ellie?" the shopkeeper, Mrs. Chen, said softly. "Ain't nothing changed but the weather." Ellie responded as she made her way to the back of the shop.

Death Can't Even Stop Me (Marvel & DC Harem x Male Red Hood Reader)Where stories live. Discover now