The Tournament/ Giving Hope (Chapter 8.5)

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(This takes place in between chapter 6 and 7)

[3RD Person POV]

"Please raise your right hands" Barbra said as she raised her own hand. {Y/N}, Jane, Tabitha, and Cassandra all raised their right hands, smiling to one another. "Do you solemnly swear to abide by the outcome of this tournament under punishment of blackmail and embarrassment?" Barbra hummed, watching them carefully.

"I do" the group said in unison, a smirk forming on Barbra's face. "Then welcome... to the fifth annual challenge of champions!" Barbra exclaimed, exciting cheers from everyone else. "First we must honor Dayana and Petra for distracting Bruce and Alfred. Their sacrifice will be remembered"

The scene cuts to Petra and Dayana sitting in chairs, a napkin loosely tied onto the chair. "I'm so glad you two came to us to help fix your table manners" Bruce said, smiling as both Dayana and Petra had sour expressions.

"I had to do it last year" Tabitha mumbled with a soft sigh in her voice. Cassandra gently pat her back, as if saying it'll be okay. "Speaking of last year" Barbra hummed as the screen behind her turned on. "Steph had to wear this lovely outfit for a full month as punishment for loosing last month's game.

An image of Stephanie in the Riddler's clothes appeared on the screen as the blonde girl sat next to {Y/N}. "I actually think I rocked that bowler hat" She hummed, giving a lazy bow while everyone either chuckled or clapped.

"Get to the good stuff, what are the stakes?" {Y/N} hummed, excitement in his voice. Barbra grinned, pushing her glasses up on her face. The light of the projector made it seem like her eyes glowed. "For our fifth anniversary, and for your return, I thought we would do something special" Barbra hummed, pressing a button on the remote.

"No! You monster!" Tabitha said as she had a look of dread. "Anything but that!" Jen exclaimed, a hint of fear in her voice. It was an image of Erica when she wore what the others called "The Discowing". "How long?" Cassandra asked, her gaze serious.

"Two weeks and no skipping patrol" Barbra said, clicking another button. A racing game came up and a small smirk formed on Barbra's face. "Everyone, grab your controllers" she said as everyone, except Stephanie, did as they were told.

"Good luck" {Y/N} whispered to Jen as the tournament started.


A loud groan left {Y/N} as he tugged at the tight spandex. "My life is over" he sighed, a look of sadness on his face as Cassandra casually took a selfie with him. Behind him Stephanie posed as Tabitha took a picture.

Petra soon came down into the cave to see the aftermath of the tournament. "I don't even want to know" she said, holding back a giggle. "I still don't understand why my old suit is a punishment and not a prize" Erica hummed as she stood next to Barbra.

"And THAT'S why you're not allowed to compete anymore. You're impossible to embarrass" Barbra said sternly as she looked back at everyone. "What's embarrassing about it? It's great!" Erica exclaimed as Barbra put her hand to her face.


<Timeskip two weeks>

{Y/N} sighed softly as he got back from patrol. He was glad his punishment was now over. Quickly running to his room, he quickly changed into a more comfortable outfit, a t-shirt and pajama pants. Going back downstairs, he couldn't help but hear sobbing from downstairs.

Going to check, he couldn't help but see Petra curled into a ball on the couch, crying. Cautiously, he approached the couch before sitting next to her. "Penny for your thoughts?" He said in a soft tone. Petra looked up, quickly pulling herself into his chest and sobbed harder.

After a few minutes, she soon stopped crying and pulled away. "I got a 12 year old kid shot" she mumbled quietly, sadness in her voice as she curled back into a ball again. "I-I had to run him to the ER" she mumbled quietly as she looked ahead.

She began to vent to {Y/N}, her thoughts spilling out as she talked. "Why don't we go visit him?" {Y/N} suggested, gently patting her shoulder. Petra nodded, standing up and going to get dressed. {Y/N} got up as well, going to put on actual pants.


The two made it to the hospital, bumping into the kid's parents. The father quickly began to complain about Spider-woman, making Petra lower her head in shame. Entering the boy's room, the two sat next to the bed. Petra held her head low as she let out a sigh.

Suddenly, the boy opened his eyes and looked over to the two. "S-Spider-Woman" he coughed, trying to sit up slightly. Petra's head perked up, her eyes widening a bit. "I-I'm not-" before she could finish, the boy let out a loud cough. "Yes you are" he began to say, looking at her with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Why else would y-you be here when I-I don't know you?" He said, going into another coughing fit.

"Well, why did you do it?" Petra asked, on the verge of tears. "B-because I want to be like you" the boy mumbled, looking back up at the ceiling. "I wanted to be a hero... like... you..." The machines began to beep loudly as {Y/N} ran to grab a nurse. Petra stayed in the room, trying hard to get the boy breathing again.


A week had passed and both Petra and {Y/N} could be seen attending the boy's funeral. Petra had a somber look as {Y/N} held her hand, trying to comfort her. "E-excuse me" a voice said, catching the attention of the two. It was the mother of the boy, her face grim as she held an envelope.

"Michael wanted you to have this" she said, handing the envelope to Petra. Curious, Petra gently grabbed the envelope from the woman, nodding as if to say thank you.

Back at the manor, {Y/N} sat down next to Petra on the couch. "Aren't you going to open it?" {Y/N} said softly. Petra didn't answer as she stared at it, her hands slightly shaky. She slowly opened it, tears forming as a comic book fell out. It was obviously drawn by a child. It had the title of "What would Spider-woman do?" And it featured the boy, Michael.

Petra began to tear up, breaking down as {Y/N} hugged her. A few days had passed since then. Petra was still grieving, but her duty as Spider-Woman had been important as well. In fact, the comic she had read inspired her to continue being a hero....

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