Chapter 15

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[3RD Person POV]

Sinestro grinned, the axe getting closer and closer to the two heroes before a green anvil suddenly appeared in front of it. Approaching the villain flew Hal Jordan, his green ring glowing brightly. "Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, that red fellow, now Hal Jordan? This just keeps getting better!" Sinestro cackled, summoning an axe to chop down on Hal. Immediately, G.L constructed another anvil, blocking the attack only to be met with knives being thrown. Acting quickly, G.L made a shield and blocked the blow. "Oppressing your home planet was't enough?" G.L uttered, slinging a green bus at the villain. "The One Earth government is similar to mine on Karugar" Sinestro muttered, dodging out of the way, "an alliance was logical."

{Y/N} groaned softly, watching the two powerhouses getting ready to fight. Looking around, he noticed Wonder Woman on the ground and knocked out. Rushing over, he quickly ran over to the amazon, checking for a pulse. "Would you look at that" a voice hummed from behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he was suddenly punched in the jaw. Thankfully, his helmet took most of the force. Stumbling back a bit, he glared at the man who'd punched him.

"Never knew the Red Hood had fans" this Earth's Captain America hummed as he glared at Red Hood

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"Never knew the Red Hood had fans" this Earth's Captain America hummed as he glared at Red Hood. "And I see an emo got to be Captain America" Red hood responded, getting ready for a fight. Above them, Sinestro had slung yellow axes at G.L while he made a brick wall to defend himself. Suddenly, Captain America slung his shield at Red Hood. Unfortunately, it hit Red Hood in the chest and caused him to stumble back a bit. Running at the male, he grabbed his shield midair before jumping up high. He quickly straightened his legs, trying to kick the male. "Foot dive!" He yelled, only to have his leg grabbed by Red Hood and be slung into a wall.

"You know, never announce your attack" Red Hood exclaimed as he pulled his pistols out. He began to fire at the downed soldier, only for Captain America to hold up his shield. The bullets bounced off the shield, hitting down onto the concrete as the villainous Captain America rushed at him with the shield up. Before the two could continue, a loud thud could be heard as Sinestro landed between them, defeated. Stumbling for a moment, this world's Captain America looked up only to see Red Hood giving the male a swift kick to the head, knocking the super soldier out. "Would you look at that, I'm resisting arrest again" G.L muttered to himself as he landed next to Red Hood. However, Red Hood simply ran over to Wonder Woman, helping her up onto her feet. "Hal?" the amazonian princess muttered while looking up.

Just above them they saw Hal's counterpart floating above them. His yellow ring glowed with power as he just stared down at the heroes. "Someone call me?" he hummed as G.L just stared in utter disbelief. "You're Sinestro Corps?" he muttered, floating to meet his counterpart. "Sinestro's right. Fear is much more effective than willpower" Y.L proclaimed, glaring at his heroic counterpart. "So you've ditched green and went yellow. The color of cowardice" G.L said, firing a green beam at Y.L, who in turn fired a yellow one right back. "I'm still about order, like the Guardians" Yellow hummed, noticing Red Hood helping Wonder Woman up. A second yellow beam came out of his ring, hitting the two and causing them to fall over. Breaking their streams, G.L throws green knives at his double, making the other Hal put up a yellow shield. "I'm sure they're very proud of you" G.L uttered sarcastically as the anger boiled over for him. "Sanctimony is easy if you know-" Y.L muttered. "Save it! Time to kick my ass" G.L exclaimed as the two began to go blow for blow.

Red Hood groaned as he helped Wonder Woman up. "Come on" he groaned, helping the amazon to her feet before running to Green Arrow. "Thanks kid" the vigilante mumbled as he got on his feet only to see Y.L being thrown to the pavement. "Well, that was surreal" G.L mumbled as he landed on the ground. "And a bit disturbing" Arrow mumbled as he approached the three. "Uhm, not to alarm you, but we need to move" Red Hood muttered, though the three looked up to see a familiar looming figure above the roof tops. "Figured he'd be here" Wonder Woman hummed as she looked up at Batman and Nightwing, or at least this world's versions of them. 

Petra couldn't help but feel afraid a massive headache as Superman stood in front of a monitor. His eyes scanned over different texts as Doomsday could be seen standing to the side of him. "You've been quiet since we've left New Metropolis" Superman hummed, barely turning to look at Petra as she looked up at him. She could barely seem to think of a response as she looked to him. The trip from the city all the way to the Fortress of Solitude put into perspective of how messed up the world was. Seeing all the people looking at the two of them with fear made her feel uneasy. "Just... thinking about some things" Petra muttered, speaking in a sort of half-truth as she thought about how {Y/N} could be doing. 

Suddenly, a black and red adorned Wonder Woman walked into the room, humming at the sight of Petra before noticing Doomsday. "The collar's working. Good. Re-education wasn't going to work on him" she said, only earning a nod from Superman. Petra quickly had a confused look before her face became neutral again as to not blow her cover. "You sure you don't want me to stay?" W.W hummed in a flirty tone, though was met with an awkward silence, "Kal... I know you didn't lose your super-hearing... are you okay with this? With us?" she hummed as Superman barely looked to her. "Of course" he said coldly, looking to her. "I'm not trying to replace her, I just thought we-" "I know" Superman said, interrupting her, ". 

He walked over to her before bringing her into a gentle embrace. "I'm fine" he said, only for Wonder Woman to sigh. "I'm going. I just came to tell you Lantern's-" She got out before Superman interrupted once more. "And Captain are on their way in. guess my super-hearing is working" he said as Wonder Woman walked away, unamused with his answer. Eventually, Y.L and Captain America walked in, though with noticeable bruises. Petra's eyes widened at the sight of the two, her instincts now screaming for her to leave. "We have a problem" Captain America said coldly. "We ran tino Diana's twin, someone who looked a lot like Oliver Queen, a Red Hood copy cat, and someone who looks like Hal Jordan" Immediately, Superman's expression turned cold as he looked between the two. "Find them. And any others that might be out there. I want to know everything" he said coldly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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