Chapter 7

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[3RD Person POV]

A soft sigh left {Y/N}'s mouth as he looked up at Wayne Mannor once again. "This place is so cool!" Petra exclaimed, holding a box that was filled with different technologies and computer parts as she followed behind {Y/N}. Behind her, Bruce Wayne only hummed softly as he walked ahead of her. "You're only staying for a few days, so don't get comfortable" Bruce muttered as he walked past her.

"Don't worry about him, he'll warm up to you" Jen whispered to Petra before walking past her as well. Petra only hummed as she looked up at the mansion before looking back down ahead of her to see Jen and {Y/N} holding hands. A snarl formed on her face as she followed them into the mansion. She couldn't help but feel jealous as she made her way into the mansion.


Meanwhile, sitting in the Batcave, a lone figure watched as two people they had never seen before walked the halls of the manor. A soft growl came from them as they quickly grabbed their mask and sword before hiding in the shadows. Watching, and waiting for the presumed intruders.


{Y/N} looked around the vibrant a vibrant room that he used to call his. Walking around on the hard wood floor, he looked over to the fireplace in the room and hummed softly. Walking over to it, his fingers ran across the mantle, and to his surprise there was no large build up of dust.

"She stayed in here a lot after you died" Erica said from behind him, causing {Y/N} to let out a startled scream. A soft giggle came from the former Robin as she sat down on the bed. Her ankle was a little better, only slightly swollen. However Alfred didn't want her going out as Nightwing, so she was out of commission for a while.

"Who?" {Y/N} mumbled as he turned to look back at the mantle. He noticed a picture frame was knocked over, facing downwards so no one could see the picture. Confused, he picked it up and quickly peaked at it before sighing. It was a picture of the three of them, him, Jen, and Erica, laughing while in their respective costumes.

"We both missed you" Erica muttered softly as she looked down at the floor. {Y/N} looked over to her and sat down next to her, the picture frame  in his right hand. Tears filled her eyes as the memory of that night filled her head. "I'm sorry I don't come back after being revived" {Y/N} mumbled as he gently hugged her.

Erica held her breath as she blushed softly. Gently, she grabbed his hands before looking over to him. The two locked eyes before it felt like the distance between the two began to close. They were just an inch away before someone gently knocked on the door.

The two immediately pulled away from each other and glanced at the door. Alfred stood there, a small smirk on his face while holding his signature tray. "Master {L/N}, I know you're excited to be back, but please wait" he said before walking away, leaving the two blushing as they got up.

"I-I'm going to go to the cave" {Y/N} mumbled as he walked away, leaving Erica there on the bed. "Good move, bird-brain" she mumbled to herself, crossing her arms. A pout was on her face as she got up and left.


{Y/N} looked around the cave and smiled to himself. It felt smaller, then again he was shorter two years ago. He walked around the computer, making his way to the display cases. A small hum escaped his lips as he looked at his old suit, smiling to himself. Though his smiled slightly faded as he looked over and noticed two mannequins. On one of them there was the typical Robin costume, bright red with a yellow and black emblem and green cape. However the one next to the other mannequin had nothing on it.

"Thought you could break in unnoticed!" A sudden voice said as footsteps could be heard running toward him. Instinctively, {Y/N} moved out of the way right as a sword slammed against the ground. In front of him stood who he presumed was the newest Robin. They had on black shorts and a red tunic with yellow highlights. Her green gloves gripped onto the sword tightly as she glared at {Y/N}.

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