No! This can't be true part 1

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I open my eyes, I look down at my stomach and it didn't show my belly, but I figure it was a dream or flashback and everything will go back to normal when I wake up, look around and realized that I was in Mewni. I see Star sitting in a black robe. "Star?" she didn't answer. "Star" again no answer "Star, why am I here?" I walked closer to her and then took a step back in shock. There was a young Moon Butterfly, wearing a black robe, holding a picture of herself as a child and a woman, but I'm guessing she's her mother.

 There was a young Moon Butterfly, wearing a black robe, holding a picture of herself as a child and a woman, but I'm guessing she's her mother

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"I-I'm so sorry Queen Moon" I bowed. She didn't answer or look at me. I then tried to touch the picture, but my hand went through. "*gasp* What is going on?" I then see a handsome guy appear in her doorway.


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"Hey. I'm sorry, am I bothering you?" Moon answered him. "No, Count Mildrew. I'm just—" "Mourning the loss of your mother? I understand." "It's been a hard week, but I'm—" This guy who I now know name Mildrew, suddenly hugs Moon. "There's no need to be strong. Deal with your feelings. We will handle everything else." 'Let her finish talking dude and stop thinking she's weak.' I thought. Then a Royal aide opened the door and he seemed nervous about something. "Uh, Princess? Uh, uh, I mean, Queen Moon? There's a... a situation in the... in the situation room." "I have no idea what is going on, but.....I'm not leaving until I figure it out." I talked to myself, little did I know that someone could see me and I think you all know who.

You'll meet him soon. In the castle's "situation room," where Mina Loveberry interrogates Archduke Batwin, a monster, in chains. I took a step back. "Her?!" I remember clearly who she was and what she did, but that for another time. "I swear it wasn't my orders!" Mina whips Batwin with her pigtails. "You shut up during your confession!" Moon enters. "Mina?" She approaches a meeting room table where Mildrew, the royal guard babysitter, Lekmet, Rhombulus, Omnitraxus Prime, and Hekapoo are sitting.

 "Mina?" She approaches a meeting room table where Mildrew, the royal guard babysitter, Lekmet, Rhombulus, Omnitraxus Prime, and Hekapoo are sitting

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