The aftermath

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In the castle when everything is calm and trying to fix the building up. The queen ordered the guards to cuff Toffee, I watched with worry, and Star and Marco comfort me. Queen looks at me with seriousness and honestly, I don't blame her. "Would anyone care to explain anything.....or Y/n would you mind?" "But mom-" Queen Moon raises her hand to stop Star never leaving her glare toward me. "How?" Moon said. I sigh and look straight into her eye. "I can go on for long Queen Moon, but I would appreciate it if you have any questions then ask them and I'll answer them and then give you more information.

Before that though, I don't have Stockholm syndrome or mind control. Looking back I can see there might be signs of that or you may think that, but I was able to handle myself very well and-" "STOP!" Queen Moon stood up and slowly walk toward me. "You do understand that he's evil and left my daughter to die! Star could've stopped or killed him!" "YET! That didn't happen.....did it?" Star steps in front of me and continues.

"Let her finish mom." "Moon pie......please sit and try to relax." Queen Moon was hesitant and was about to talk back against her husband, but did what he said. "Now, I'm sure everyone here has questions. Let's have her answer them like she said and fill in any gap." King River continues. "Thanks, dad," Star said. "Okay, I'm ready" I said. "What happen when you were with him?" I answer Queen Moon's question and told them everything that happen and I knew I couldn't skip our "connection" but made it short. Star and Marco back me up and tell them what they knew and help me.

"If he was dead before....then how did he send you in the past?" "That's the thing, he never did...maybe he did....but even I'm still confused. I've been having this dream vision or dreamscape...It must be the potion that he gave me, he did make a mistake on it...I still don't know, but before all this, I knew something would happen. I had some kind of flashback/dreamscape whatever in the past. I got to say you two were different back then." Moon and River blush, Star and Marco are now curious and start asking "What were they like?" King River cough "Please continue."

"Wait...I never could figure out the monsters could've escaped. If you were there then how did you help them?" Moon asked. I told them everything, but left out me and know...anyway, I could tell Queen Moon wasn't so fawning about my actions. "Star....did you know about it?" King River asks. "No...I didn't." Star looks so confused and betrayed. "I was about to tell you Star and I gave Marco bits of pieces because we were in a rush to come here...then with all this could I.....I...I feel bad...I do truly, but then again it was the start of Toffee having to do all of this, and was about to execute him and the other monsters."

"He killed my grandma." "This is why I feel terrible and there is a part of me that wishes didn't help Toffee and the monsters..... I can't stop thinking about and It has been killing me. How would the future change or how would we make a difference or know how to fix things with the monsters? You let Buff Frog live in the Mewnipendance Day a.k.a The Great Monster Massacre roleplay. befriended him, and gave him food. You know what happened in the past and I know you Star-"

"You said you feel bad, but you did it anyway." Queen Moon interrupts me and continues. "You let the DISGUSTING MONSTER FREE!" I look down in tears and sniffles. Star look at Marco and without any word, Marco nods and then puts a hand on her shoulder. "I understand it's crazy.....*sigh* She's pregnant and all this stress isn't helping her. We went through so much to save her, protect her, fought with her-" Star walk up to me and hug me tightly. King and Queen look surprised then Marco hugs us and leans against them.

Star, and Marco let go and stand next to me. "I can why you would be mad and upset. So am I.....Y/n is my friend and she's carrying my niece or nephew. So far she has been confessing everything ever since she had this dreamscape with Toffee and...and." Star look at me and realized something. "If you and Marco didn't come to help....none of this wouldn't happened or be able to save me." "I did want to give you the cereal." Marco step in.

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