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Before the start of the new school year, Marco has been acting off, ever since he and Y/n returned home from Mewni, he has worn his knight's cape nonstop, claiming that he's still readjusting to life on Earth. His mom tells him how she once spent a summer in France and annoyed all her friends about French stuff when she returned, but Marco insists that won't happen to him and his friends. However, during a tabletop role-playing game with Y/n, Janna, Ferguson, and Alfonzo, Marco annoys them. "Uh, I cast a healing spell!" Alfonzo yelled. Janna rolls the multi-sided die. "The imps eat your hands." Ferguson sweats. "Marco!" "Oh, um... use the butter." Marco smirk. "What? There's no butter! Didn't you hear what she just said? There's nothing in our surroundings!" Ferguson freaks out.

"Put it on the chains, slide your hands out, and hide in the vents!" Marco smirked and winked. Alfonzo glare at Marco. "This isn't Mewni, Marco! It's not going to work." Janna rolls the multi-sided die again. "It worked. You're free." "Oh! Oh! Um, next we go find Ludo, say the Whispering Spell, destroy Toffee!" "We didn't destroy him! I saved him and weren't you listening?" Y/n rolls her eyes. "No! This isn't Mewni!" Ferguson yelled. Janna rolls the multi-sided die. "Yeah, you destroy Toffee, save Mewni. Congratulations!" She claps her hands. Marco joins in clapping his hands like a seal. "Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no!" Ferguson repeat.

"It's okay, Ferguson! It's just a game!" Alfonzo tries to comfort him. "No. On Mewni, this actually happened! They made me a knight! Y/n was there too!" "At least I know where my mind is at." A door slams. Ferguson and Alfonzo are gone. "Where... Where did Ferguson and Alfonzo go?" "They left." "What? Why?" "Oh, they just get annoyed when you always talk about Mewni. It's no big deal." "What?" "Nice going Marco." Y/n said so sarcastically.

Sensei Brantley's Tang Soo Do Dojo
Y/n, and Marco walk to the Dojo. "Marco, please don't say anything that makes your Sensei upset. I still feel bad our his party turnout." Marco rolls his eyes. "Fine, but I still don't see what the big deal is." Y/n facepalms and groans. "Just do it." "Fine!" Inside Marco saw his sensei. "Hey Sensei!" "Hey, Marco. What's up N/n."

"Y/n is fine." "All right, here's the deal. Just be straight with me, man. Am I annoying when I talk about Mewni?" Sensei shook his head. "Of course not, Marco. You had a life-changing experience with Mewni, and it changed you." Marco brightens up. "Yeah, that's right!" "And it changed me, too." Y/n said nothing, but let the scene happen in front of her. Sensei ties a towel around his neck, pretending it's a cape, and turns on a nearby fan so it flaps in the breeze. He chortling. "Look at it! Look at it! Yeah!" Marco looks unsure. "Ohhh. Oh, it's a... It's a cape." "We're cape bros now, dude!"Oh, that's... That's great." "Marco, you're making a face." "What face? This face? It's just my face." "Hey, hey, hey. No secrets. We're cape bros now."

"Oh, well, it's no big deal, but I... I earned my cape." Sensei frowned. "Earned? Is that... a word you made up?" "I just went through a lot to get my cape. I mean, I helped save Mewni, you know?" "Oh, yeah. [chuckles] I keep forgetting you have to earn things. [laughing, sobbing, sniffling] You're right, Marco. I guess I didn't "earn" this." Sensei takes off his towel cape and throws it at Marco. Marco tries to stop him and comfort him, but he just continues. "I mean, did I earn my red belt? [takes off his red belt and throws it at Marco] Or my green belt? [takes off green belt and throws it at Marco] I guess I didn't earn any belts! [throws several belts at Marco, chortles] You know, I expected this from my mother and my probation officer, but I didn't expect this from you." Sensei walk away crying. "This day is just getting better." "Don't go there."

Jackie House
Marco sat on her beanbag while Y/n sat on Jackie's bed. "You know, first Ferguson and Alfonzo were weird, and then Sensei was weird. [sighs] I... I hate to say this, but my best friends are jealous of all I've accomplished." "Marco, I was there. They had never been jealous before or now. I told you to not make Sensei sad." Jackie sighs. "Look, I get it. Earth and Mewni are totally different. It must be hard to readjust." "No, J-Jackie, you don't get it. This isn't about me. This is about them not being able to accept what this means." "Will you stop." "Come on." "By the way Marco, How long has it been since you took off your cape?" Marco scoffs and sinks into a beanbag chair. "That's not relevant."

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