No! This can't be part 2

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Eclipsa spoke. "Well, the spell you seek requires a magical contract. I can give it to you. But once your enemy is killed, you must give me something in return." "Okay, what do you want?" Moon asked. Eclipsa looked directly at Moon's eyes. "My freedom." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Young Moon is in shock. "What?!" Eclipsa just shrugs off her shock. "Oh, I know. It's a lot to ask. But... I've just been here so long, all by myself. I want to buy my own chocolate. Or those little shrink-wrapped muffins at the bottom. Mmm!" I see where Star got her weirdness from. "But these are Rhombulus' crystals. I can't free you." "A contract between two queens is stronger than any crystal. Now, do you want to learn the spell?"

Eclipsa extends a hand to Moon. She takes Eclipsa's hand, and a magic black ribbon wraps around their hands. Both of their cheek marks start glowing. After a few moments, the ribbon vanishes, and their cheek marks stop glowing. "Come close. Now... [whispers in Moon's ear] ...and aim it directly at his heart." Eclipsa said before Rhombulus freezes her again. 'Wait?.....directly at his heart?!' I thought. "What was that for?" Young Moon asked looking at Rhombulus. "I'm just doing my job, your Majesty. Evil queen, gotta freeze it." Young Moon and I stared at Eclipsa. "She didn't seem so evil." "I don't know about that Queen, but we'll just wait and see

[At Dawn]

The Royal guard that is Star's future babysitter gets mad. "The queen is late." Young River then points outside the window. "Look!" They can see young Moon ride on Lil Chauncey's back toward the monster army outside the castle. As I followed her, I looked around and saw some monsters that I had never seen before, but I saw some that I had seen before. Mildrew starts sobbing. "She's gone mad with grief! She was so young!" River yells at him. "She's not dead yet, you fool!" The monsters see Moon approaching. Moon stops before the monsters and lays down a blanket. She takes out eating utensils, a goblet, and River's apology meat and starts to eat.

I stood next to her, and just like the monsters, we all looked so confused. Rasticore finally spoke up. "Uh, can we help you?" Moon responds. "I wish to speak to the general." A Lizard monster asked with mocking. "The general?!" All the monsters laughing. "Silence!" A voice can be heard and I gasp, looking in the direction. I knew that voice, but I didn't want to believe it. Toffee emerges from behind a wall of skulls and approaches Moon. "N-no....T-this c-c-can't be." I couldn't believe my eyes, Toffee was right in front of me, the father of my child, my love, and someone who killed my best friend's grandmother.

'Hello Nurse! He looks hot in that uniform.' My eyes stared at him with admiration. Toffee bowed. "Hello, Princess." "I presume you're the one they call the 'Lizard'." "Yes, but you may call me... Toffee." 'So, this is how they meet? but how did Toffee lose his finger?' I thought. "Toffee? How is that any better?" "What do you want?" Toffee asked. "I want you and your army to leave immediately or face the consequences." Young Moon responds.

Rasticore spoke. "Your mom couldn't defeat us, and neither can you!" "I was hoping you'd say that." Young Moon points her magic wand at Toffee. I turn my head to Toffee and Moon, back and forth, with my mouth wide open. 'Why is this happening?' A Lizard monster stood on the front side of Toffee. "We're not afraid of your little girl magic!" Then Rasticore also stood next to the Lizard monster and spoke. "We're invincible! Just watch!" He holds out his left arm, and the first lizard monster opens his jaws around it. Young Moon and I looked away and tried to stop them, but obviously, they didn't listen. "No, wait! I already know about the—!" Then the lizard monster bites off Rasticore's arm off. I gag of disgust and so does Young Moon.

Rasticore grunts and grows a new left arm. All monsters cheered with delight, except Toffee. Young Moon took a breath and closed her eyes. "I call the darkness unto me from deepest depths of Earth and sea." In the Crystal Dimension, Eclipsa's cheek marks start glowing. "From ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can't be broken." Purple storm clouds start gathering over Moon and the monsters. "To blackest night, I pledge my soul and crush my heart to burning coal." The top of Moon's magic wand becomes stained with black, and black veins appear along her arms. I saw it, ran towards her, tried to take her wand away, but couldn't.

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