Marco and I go to Mewni/Something big is coming

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I open my eyes and see bunch off green slims, I think, I was on a raft floating on the slims. "No this can't be?! Where am I? Why? What is this?! Marco?! Star?! Toffee?!" Then something started to appeared and it was forming into a wave, I never got to chance to see what it was appearing because I got knock off the raft. I scream as I was falling. It felt like I was falling in slow motion. As I was getting near to the green slims my vision turned black.


(In Mewni at night)

Ludo tosses the Book of Spells into the fire, and the fire turns green. Ludo's eyes glow green as Toffee takes over his body. Glossaryck emerges from the book as it burns. "Well, Toffee, looks like you finally got him to do what you wanted." Ludo (Toffee): "I didn't want this. This was all Ludo. But now that you're gone, I can finally get him to do what I wanted. I'd love to chat more, but it looks like you're out of time." The Book of Spells starts burning to ashes. Glossaryck never look surprised "Hmm. You know, even though I knew this was coming, it's, uh... it's still kind of a surprise. [successfully roasts a ball of pudding] Hey! Hey, look! It worked!" The vanishes in flames. The Book of Spells releases a tremendous amount of pink and purple energy. Ludo regains control of his body, and the flames burn out. Ludo gasps, looks at burnt cinders and panic "Aah! Glossaryck! Oh, no! No-no-no-no-no! Glossaryck! What have I done?! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I... [ashes blow away in the wind] No, no, no, no! No, no, stop! Come back! I didn't mean it!" He curls up into a ball and cries. His wand/hand starts humming. "Huh? What do you mean it's for the best?" Ludo asked. His Wand crystal points at Butterfly Castle. "Right. The book was a distraction. We don't need it anymore. We don't need anyone anymore! Butterfly Castle... I'm coming for you."

(At earth)

1st POV

I gasp, sit up, look around, checking on my belly, and on my pets. They were awake and looking at me with a worry look on them. I knew after the dream/flashback meant something and that Star could be in trouble. I got up, got dressed immediately and ran to the door. Not before I ate some snacks. I ran to the door and open the door only to be face o face with Marco, who was about to knock, I pulled him in and whispered. "Marco! I got a dream/flashback and Toffee was there and Young Queen Moon. We need to goo to Mewni now" "What? I came to get you for we can go to Mewni and possibly checking up on Star, but I agree. Let go" Marco whisper back then took out his demision scissor and open a portal. "Are you sure you want to do this? Especially, with your condition." "Marco.....I know you're worry,...but this is for Star, plus it Toffee....I have to be there. Not just for me....for my baby."

3rd POV

(In Mewni. While Marco and Y/n talking)

"Hey! Can someone come and fix my thing?" Castle guards lie around the room sleeping or unconscious. One of the castle serfs hangs from a low-hanging chandelier and falls off. "Looks like I've got to go wake somebody up. Foolduke! Wake up!" King River walks toward to Foolduke and she wakes up then gasps. "Ah, Foolduke. Ha! My music thing isn't working. I need you to take a look at it." "Where's my monkey?" She ask. "Oh. Oh. That was your monkey? Can't say that I've seen him. Not to be rude, but there are more pressing matters, you see."

A dimensional portal opens, Marco and Y/n comes through holding a box of cereal. "Uh, Star? Wow, this place is a mess." "Marco, what did you expect? Star had to leave in a rush." "Marco! Y/n!" King river runs toward them. "Oh, hey, River." "Hello, King River."

River tightly hugs Marco and Y/n. "Marco, Y/n, my children! I can't believe you're here! [whispers] Have you seen Foolduke's monkey?" Marco replied "Uh... no." "Sorry King River. but we haven't." Y/n said. River whispers. "Well, we better keep an eye out. I threw him— Uh? [notices crushed box of cereal between himself and Marco] Well, what's this?" "Oh, well, they were Captain Blanche's Sugar Seeds. It's, uh, Star's favorite cereal. You can't get them on Mewni, so I brought her a box." "We thought she might want something from earth." River doesn't seem impressed. "Marco, you're not giving that to my daughter. It's all smashed. Probably a good thing she's not here." Marcosighs. Y/n shrug "He's probably right." "Now there must be some other way to summon forth the music. We will rock at you!" "Look, River, I gotta say I'm pretty worried about Star. She left Earth in kind of a hurry. She's not in trouble or anything, right?" "She never told us anything." Marco and Y/n are worried. River look stunned. "No, not at all! She and her mother just took a little trip, and Moon Pie asked me to keep up morale in the kingdom until they get back. So we've been rippin' it nonstop for days!"

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