Aftermath Trailer

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In the castle when everything is calm and trying to fix the building up. The queen ordered the guards to cuff Toffee, I watched with worry, and Star and Marco comfort me. Queen looks at me with seriousness and honestly, I don't blame her. "Would anyone care to explain anything.....or Y/n would you mind?" "But mom-" Queen Moon stop Star never leaving her glare toward me.

"How?" I sigh and look straight into her eye. "I can go on for long Queen Moon, but I would appreciate it if you have any questions then ask them and I'll answer them and then give you more information. Before that though, I don't have Stockholm syndrome or mind control. Looking back I can see there might be signs of that, but I was able to handle myself very well and-" "STOP!" Queen Moon stood up and slowly walk toward me. "You do understand that he's evil and left my daughter to die! Star could've stopped/kill him!" "YET! That didn't happen.....did it?"

Star steps in and continues. "Let her finish mom." "Moon pie......please sit and try to relax." Queen Moon was hesitant and was about to talk back against her husband, but did what he said. "Now, I'm sure everyone here has questions. Let's have her answer them like she said and fill in any gap." "Thanks, dad." "Okay, I'm ready." "What happen when you were with him?" I told them what happen and I knew I couldn't skip our "connection" but made it short. Star and Marco back me up and tell them how they knew about it and help me. "If he was dead before then how did he send you in the past?"

"That's the thing, he never did...maybe he did....but we're still confused. I've been having this dream vision or dreamscape...It must be the potion that he came to me, he did make a mistake on it...I still don't know, but before all this, I knew something would happen. I had some kind of flashback/dreamscape whatever in the past. I got to say you two were different back then." Moon and River blush, Star and Marco are now curious and start asking "What were they like?" King River cough "Please continue."

What do you guys think of this trailer? Does it need more work or it's perfect or I need to add something? I would love your opinion on this too.😊

Your opinion matter to me and it would help me a lot. It'll be published soon and I hope you like it! 😊

A small gift to you all for Thanksgiving Day and as a very Thanks for voting and reading my stories and encouraging me to do my best. ☺️ You all are the best!! 😆 Love you all!!!❤️❤️❤️

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