Thank you so much! 😁

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I know I just published it yesterday, but already this story is #1 in mariposa. 😊

I'll be publishing the second part today, if I can, but I will try. Nevertheless, I want to give my thanks for everyone. You all give me the strength to do this.

I'm actually typing this down while i'm in class, I don't mind and neither does my professor, it mostly just lectures, and my professor reading to the class. Yes, my professor read my class a story that are for children haha. This class is a Science & Math for children class. So, it make sense. Plus, my class is about to end anyway.

I also wanted to thanks you everyone for reading (15) and voting (3). It not a lot, but it's a start and it seem to be enough to make this #1 and this make me very happy.

I promise I'll make this story even better than the other one.

I can't stop thank you all enough for this possible.

I love you all. 😆


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