We almost escape

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King Butterfly, me, and Marco Diaz, are chained up and playing chess using rock and dead bugs. Mostly the king and Marco playing chess, I just look straight ahead with a bored face. King River Butterfly straining, moves green bug with his toes "Checkmate." Marco sighs " I'm bad at everything." "First rule of chess, Marco you must always protect your king." King River said. I groan "how can you two play games at a time like this?.....also, he's right Marco." Marco, me, and River hear the door lock jangling, and River brushes the chessboard away with his foot. Ludo and two rat guards enter. "What do you want?" King River asked. "You're coming with me." Ludo ordered. "No way. I'm not going anywhere with you."

"That's too bad. It's urgent royal business. Ludo unlocks River's shackles "I need you to command the people to like me." River laughs "Why would I do that? I don't even like you. Shuffling about and talking to that wand hand of yours. It's weird." Ludo growls "Fine! If you won't help me, then you can just rot in this cell! Say goodbye to your freedom!" Tries to put the key around his neck, but the chain doesn't fit over his large head straining "Come on you stupid chain."

River muffled his laughter while Marco laughs and I laugh out loud. Ludo still straining to put the key around his neck ordered Butter. One of the rat guards hands a stick of butter to Ludo. He slathers the butter on his forehead and slips the key chain around his neck. " Change of the plan. I'm giving you twenty-four hours to figure out a way to make the people of Mewni like me, or I'll... I'll Levitato you into the sky forever!" "Ooh, I'm so scared." River said in a sarcastic tone. "Twenty-four hours." Ludo and the rat guards leave. Marco looks worried "Dude, Ludo's gone completely nuts." "Yeah, your right. He's mad with power and we can't do anything about it." I said. "You're telling me. He left behind a perfectly good stick of butter! [reaches for the butter with his feet] Oh, I can... almost taste it."

"River now is no time for... [realizing] butter." Marco gasps. "You got an idea, Marco?" I watch Marco kicks off one of his sneakers and reaches for the butter with his foot. I finally understood what he was doing. "Yes, yes! You're young and limber. Reach out for it, boy." "You can do it!" Marco grabs butter with his foot. River and I cheered. Marco tosses butter into his hand and slathers butter on his wrist. "Careful. Save some for the gruel, boy." Marco pulls his left hand out of the shackles. "Nice work, Marco." River congrats him while. Marco butter my wrist and got me out of the cuffs. then gives butter to River. "Here. Butter yourself up, and I'll see if I can figure a way out of here." "Try the AC vent." King River pointed out." "The dungeon has air conditioning?" Marco looks at the AC vent. "Why is there an AC in here?" I ask.

"It's a dungeon, not a torture chamber." River shrug. Marco opens AC vent. "Nice! How are those shackles coming?" River with butter all over his lips. "I don't think this is going to work." "River! Did you eat the butter, River?" "Marco, it's obvious he did." "...I used to be king." I facepalm after he said that. "Okay, okay. I'll go steal that key from Ludo, and then we'll get out of here." "You should just go. This isn't your fight." Marco climbs into AC vent, helps me up and we crawl away "Marco, Y/n, listen to your king!" Marco and I crawl through the vents and reach the royal bedroom. Marco whisper "Whoa. The royal bedroom. [sees someone sleeping under the bedsheets, gasps] Ludo!" "Careful" I whisper. Marco slides down a string of handkerchiefs and sneaks up to the bed. I look at the string handkerchiefs curiosity while waiting for him in the AC vent and realized we're aren't the only one here "Marco! wait no!" I whisper loudly. Marco pulls the sheets away to see Mime Girl. Marcoscream.

Ruberiot covers Marco's mouth. "Ruberiot?" Marco pulled away. "Quiet, dude. You're gonna get us caught." Eats chicken wing. "What in the world are you doing here?" I asked. Foolduke comes out of the royal bathroom. "Whoo! How'd I ever live without a solid gold toilet?" "What the heck is going on here?" Marco ask. "Since Ludo took over, we've been hiding in the vents. And when he's not around, we eat his royal leftovers." Ruberiot answer. "And bathe in his royal bubble bath," Foolduke replied. Mime Girl mimes sleeping gesture hops up and down on the bed. "And sleep in his royal bed. She was miming that we sleep in his royal bed." Ruberiot translate. We then heard Ludo's voice "These villagers are so ungrateful!" Foolduke bowed "And end scene!" Marco, me, Ruberiot, Foolduke, and Mime Girl return to the vents. On her way into the vents, Mime Girl eats the handkerchief chain. Ludo and his bald eagle and giant spider enter the royal bedroom. Ludo walks in wearing Ludo mask.

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