No! This can't be part3 (lemon)

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Later that same day, they gave me black clothes, I got dresses, and I was getting ready for my first lesson. For the first time, I'm learning how to fight and I did okay. I did know how to fight a little, but not a lot and I was very good at it. Two or more monsters tried to tackle or attack me, but I was able to dodge them and I never gave up, but I knew I had to do something. Toffee was watching me, I get nervous when I'm being watched, but I wanted to prove myself and I wasn't letting anyone stop me. I grab some dirt and throw it at their face, they can't see, I kick them on the stomach or leg making them fall, and punch one of them. All three were knocked out. Toffee was impressed. My next lesson was using a weapon. A monster with one horn used his sword and I was also learning how to use a sword—our swords clack with each other.

I had to think of a way to beat him, I was known to be very observant and then I suddenly got a very unexpected idea. The monster charged toward me and I ran in a circle him. He was very confused, and tried to attack me, but missed then I suddenly jumped on his back and placed my sword on his neck. He dropped his sword and stood still. I jump off him. I thought that was the end of it, but I was so wrong because more monsters popped up. It was an ambush. Rasticore grabbed me from behind, I struggled to get out of his arm, and then I kicked him in the stomach, he dropped me so I jumped on the monster without warning and held his neck with my sword pointed at him. My last lesson was to ambush Toffee. He walked around while I hid, following him and waiting for the right time to pounce. I finally decided to jump on him with my sword thinking I had him, he blocked my attack and pushed me to the ground.

I didn't have time to recover because his sword was heading toward me. I got off the ground with my back facing Toffee, I tried to take a step back completely forgetting he was behind me, My back was against his chest and It took me looking behind me only to have my face on his chest. My face turned red, but then I elbowed him, Toffee groaned, my sword was against his neck, I beat him and I could tell he was extremely proud of me. I smile and chuckle. "I learned from the best." We stared at each other eyes, we never looked away and our head was leaning toward each other. His smile turned from a proud smirk to soft and sweet tender. Our faces were a couple of inches away from each other, Toffee suddenly pulled away, I was sad at first until I heard footsteps. I then realized I was sitting on top of him. I got up with a blush on my face and helped him up. We dusted ourselves and walked back to the camp.


Toffee was sitting on a log watching the fire while the monsters talked in the background. I was sitting on a log not too far from Toffee talking to Rasticore, I would glance at him a few times, Toffee was doing the same, so I decided to sit next to him. "Can I sit here? I also thought you would meet. I already ate." He didn't say anything, but I knew him well enough. I sat next to him. "You seem to have adjusted well." I chuckle. "I'm more of a tough girl who loves being out the outdoors working. My dad owns a ranch and I mostly worked there taking care of animals. My mom is okay with that, but wished I could be a little more girly. That's not me. I feel more accepted here, to be honest. I have seen, learned, and experienced a bunch of different things and places. I'm having a lot of fun." "You do feel right at home. You say you're not a Mewman, but you had flame cheek marks. Why is that?" "To be honest.....I don't know, but I'm telling you the truth. I'm a human, not a woman, I'm from Earth and not here." "I believe you and somehow I feel we have met before." 'We have Toffee' "You knew your way around the castle and yet, you're not from here. I find that-" "I know them, but there is so much that I don't know" "Can't say I'm surprised. The Butterflies aren't new to keeping secrets. Their whole dynasty has been built around lies ever since they crystalized Eclipsa." "You knew her and what do you mean?" "It's all in the past my dear." "But......all I know was that she was wed to a Mewman king, but took a monster for her love and away from Mewni fled." "You could say it was something like, but there is so much more that you don't know." "I wish there was no more discrimination, no more fighting and hiding who I am." "....You're from the future aren't you?" I look up at him with shock. "How?-" "You said past and you're not from here. Plus the way you dressed also gives it away." "Okay, yes I'm from the future and we do know each other." He looks at me waiting for me to continue. "It was on Mewnipendence day when we met." "They're still doing that?" "Yes, believe it or not. My friend, who happened to be a princess, wanted me and my other friend to be on her side, but I refused because everyone knew I was someone who believed in peace and unity. Naturally, I wanted to be on the monster side to not only make it equal but also to fight for what I believe in. I know how magic works and I know how powerful it can be. It wasn't a fair fight and this was your land before they came. It's kinda like back on earth honestly." He looked confused. "What do you mean?" "There is this man who is called George Washington, he was the very first president of the U.S.A. He wasn't just a president, he sailed the sea to look for new land and he found it and then made it his and his men." I look up at the stars. "The only problem was there were already natives there who lived there, born and raised there. All these years we believed he was a hero, but my timeline is starting to change. They even took down his statue. So, if you think about it. Earth and Mewni aren't that different. We might have a Queen and King, we're a democracy, but it changing." I then look at him. "I think the same thing will happen to you guys too. My friend, Star, realized how horrible her people and family had done to the monsters and she wanted to make things right." "Are you sure? How do I not know if you're not lying." "Toffee...on that day, you kidnapped me. I was afraid, until we finally talked, got to know each other a little, danced at one of your soldier weddings, and kissed." I look away blushing, rub my arm, and glance at him. He was shocked to say anything, but he knew he wanted to get to know you more, to touch you and kiss you. "You're hiding something else...aren't you?" I said nothing. "Y/ your general I expect honesty from you." "Okay, hold on there hot shot. I'm from the future and last time I checked I never said I would stay here." He chuckles. "You got some fire in you. I like that. I can see why I would kidnap you and kiss you." He got a little closer to me. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my lips. "You only kidnapped me because I'm friends with Star and could use me against her, but your plan backfired. We fell in love and made love and now I'm pregnant with your child." My eyes widen. 'Oh no! What did I just do? What will he say or do?' "I...I....Toffee......I wanted to tell you...I was so scared and I still am.....I'm-" Before I could finish, he grabbed my face and kissed me gently then pulled away. Tears ran down my cheek. "I love you Toffee." He wiped off my tears with his thumb while never looking away from me then leans closer to my face. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same, but I bet you already know that." We smile sweetly. Toffee and I are in his tent. Our clothes were on the ground, the night was already pitch black and the other monsters were in deep sleep, I sat on his bed, and he sat in front of me while cupping my cheek and leaning in. "I'll be gentle." "I know you will be. I trust you." He kissed me and laid me down while never leaving my lips. I very much enjoyed it and never wanted to stop. His hand roamed my naked body while I did the same. He pressed himself between my legs, and I moaned, I could feel him getting ready, but he also wanted to take his time and get me ready for me to take him in me. His tongue slipped into my mouth and explored my mouth while still kissing me longingly and lovingly. He once again pressed himself between my legs and humped me slowly. I paint and moan softly against his mouth. "Toffee~" He then moves his left hand down below and starts rubbing. "Mmmm~" He then licks my neck. I missed his touch so much and now I get to feel him again. My breathing got faster from pleasure, it felt so good, I wanted more and I never wanted to stop. I thrust my hip from his hand rubbing down below. He notices and decides to do something new. He inserted one finger in me and thrust his finger in me. "Ahhhh~ Toffee~" " You feel so good and so wet~" He licked my ear and whispered. "Keep making those lovely sounds for me~" I did what he said and kept on moaning. My hand ran through his six-pack and his buff chest. He enjoyed it very much. Toffee then traveled down between my legs and started licking me while he added another finger and thrust in me fast. "Ahhhh~ don't stop please~" I moan a little louder. I arch my back. He got my G-spot and I squirmed from pleasure. I felt so good, but I also wanted Toffee to feel good too. "T-Toffee" He looked at me but never stopped licking me or thrusting his fingers. "S-Sit up...Please~" He stops and sits up. I then crawled toward him, wrapped my right hand around his hard member, moved my hand slowly, and put his thing in my mouth. He moans with pleasure and enjoyment. "Y-you at.....this! Don't stop...ahhhh~" I thrust my mouth and hand faster. My butt was in the air and I felt his hand on my butt cheek and squeeze them. I moan against his member. He moans as well. "Ahhhh..Y/n......mmmmm....don't stop......I want you so bad now~" I stop and lay down with my legs spread wide ready for him. I look at him with a lovely glaze and squirm. "I want you too so bad right now." He pounced on me, kissed me, inserted his hard hot member in me, started thrusting, and put both his hands on my breasts and groped them while thrusting. I moan against his lips loudly. I wrap my arm around while neck and pull him close to me so our hot bodies can feel each other. Out moans could be heard outside, but no one cared and they were deep asleep. While he thrusting in me, I was humping my hip matching his thrust for more pleasure. "Y/n~" "Toffee~" We have been at it for a minute then we decided to change positions. I pushed him down, and I was now on top and riding him. He hands on my breasts, groping them and squeezing them. "Ahhhh~ Toffee....I love much." I rode him faster while my hands were filling his chest to balance myself. "I love you too~...I love this view dear~" Toffee thrust his hip matching my thrust and sat up to suck my right breast while he move his left hand to my right butt cheek to squeeze it. "A-Ahhhh~" The pleasure felt so amazing. Toffee then put both his hands on my hip and helped me thrust faster than before while he was still sucking and licking my nipple. "Toffee.....YES!~ It feels so good~" Toffee then laid down pulling me with him. I was still on top of him thrusting my hip on his big thing while he flicked my nipple and pulled it. He then laid me down, but then put me on my hands and knees. 'We doing doggie style now.' Toffee quickly inserted his member in me again and started thrusting immediately, but this time faster and harder. "You feel so good~.....I can....mmmmm..can't get....enough of you~" " me harder and faster~" He obeyed and did what I said. He bent over me and grabbed my breasts pulled my nipple and twisted them. I threw my head back from pleasure moaning loudly. This went on for almost 30 minutes. Toffee's member was twitching, I knew it meant he was cumming, and I wanted it so bad. "I'm.....cumming!~" "Cum inside me!~" He released his large load in me. "AHHH!!~" Our moan was truly loud, but full of pleasure. We pants. He pulled out and laid down on his back panting. I laid down as well on my back. I could feel his cum leak out, flowing like a waterfall, and snuggle again Toffee. He snuggles again me too. "That was amazing~" Toffee said panting. "I....agree" "You were a very naughty soldier ~" I giggle and stroke his chest. "But you enjoyed it...didn't general?~~" I purred. Toffee chuckles. " I sure did." We kissed and then pulled away. " know I might have to go back soon, right?" "I know, but at least we'll meet again in the future." "Star killed'm alone." I look away with sadness. "You will see me soon my dear" I look a him. "What?" "I said, at least we got to enjoy our time together. I will always love you." Toffee stroked my cheek gently. We kissed again. We then went to sleep and snuggled against each other. It had been an hour when I fell asleep and I felt something off. I open my eyes and see a bunch of green slims, I think, I was on a raft floating on the slims. "No this can't be?! Where am I? Why? What is this?! Marco?! Star?! Toffee?!" Then something started to appear and it was forming into a wave, I never got to chance to see what it was appearing because I got knocked off the raft. I screamed as I was falling. It felt like I was falling in slow motion. As I was getting near to the green slims my vision turned black.

My Prince Charming (Toffee x Reader) [Season 3-4] -Editing/Updating [Hold]Where stories live. Discover now