Squire/Lady in Waiting

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While Star is singing in her room, Marco Diaz climbs into her room through the window, and Y/n just uses her dimensional scissors to create a portal to Star's room. "Hey, Star!" "Hii Star!" Star shrikes, and throws a burrito at Marco. "Marco! Y/n! What did I tell you about– wait... Marco! Y/n!" Marco and Y/n wave. "Oh, my goodness! [hesitantly] It's so good to see you. Um... what are you doing here?" "I missed it here, so, I decided to come back permanently." "Me too. Also, I really miss Toffee." A toilet flushes in another room. The pair can hear Tom Lucitor singing. He walks into Star's room. "Is that Tom?" Y/n ask. "Tom?" Marco stares at him with confusion.

"Marco! Y/n!" "Tom!" Marco and Y/n smile wide. Lady Whosits came charging in and yelled out "Intruders!" She tackles Marco. A whole swarm of knights hops into Star's room through the window. They were about to tackle Y/n when something wrap around her and pulled her away. She felt arms clutching her tightly. She looks up and gasps happily. "Toffee!" "Well, Hello my love." They stare at each other with love in their eyes. "Uh, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute." The knights continue to secure Marco as a prisoner. "Guys, guys, hey guys, it's all right. It's just Marco." Star tries to convince them to set him free.

"I'm not an intruder. King River said I could be a knight. See? I got the cape and everything." Lady Whosits laughs slowly and holds up Marco by the cape. "Look, he's got a cape." All the other knights begin to laugh at him. "Set him free immediately!" All the Knights stop and look at Toffee. "As the royal family servant and his friend. I command you to set him free. You heard Star. Now do as you are told!" They let go of Marco. "Thanks, Toffee. I owe you one." "No need, but we have something to fix right now. Come! Let go to the throne room." Before they head to the throne room, Star hugs Marco and Y/n tightly then follows Toffee. 

Throne room
Queen Moon sighs in frustration. "Ugh, River. I'm so confused here. You told Marco he could be a knight?" King River sweats. "Well, uh, yeah... I never actually thought we'd see him again. Ha ha!" "Y/n, why are you here?" Moon asks. "I missed Toffee and Star. I also want to contribute. I could be a Knight or maid or translator or something. I want to help." Moon smiles sweetly. "You're too sweet, my dear, but I'm not sure. We're not really looking for one for now." "I understand." "But we'll find one for you."

Y/n smile. Toffee secretly wages his tail happily. "As for you [look at Marco] I'm sorry, Marco, but I'm afraid that's not how it works." Marco frown. "But King River gave me a knight's cape. M for Mewni." River shook his head. "No, my boy, that's my meat blanket." "Meat blanket?" Marco gasp. "Yes. I also have a cheese doily." He holds it up to show them.

Marco pout. "But I wore this thing every day. For weeks... weeks." "It's true. He hasn't taken that thing off ever since we got home." "My King, maybe you should forward next time."  River coughs, and sweats nervously. "Yes, I'll keep that in mind, Toffee. Anyway, I'm sorry, Marco, but becoming a knight is no easy task." Moon agrees. "Yes, it takes years of intense training, dear." Lady Whosits glare at Marco. "Yeah. Years of intense training."

"He hasn't even been a squire." Other Knight said staring at Marco with a glare. "I suggest you save the glare for a truly evil and I don't mean me." Toffee said with confidence and without giving them a single glance. Y/n stare at him dreamily. Toffee notices and winks at her. That gave Marco an idea. "A squire? Hey, I can do that." Moon leans close to River. "River, are any of our knights in need of a squire?"

"Wait, I've got it. How about we set him up with Sir Pop Lock and Dropeth? Hmm? That old scamp!" Moon whispers and glances away nervously and sadly."Um, actually, he "popped, locked, and dropped". "You mean...? [Moon nod] Oh, my." "Star, why don't you have Marco and Y/n stay with you? It will give you two a chance to catch up while we figure this out." Moon suggests. Marco and Y/n smile wide. "Wait, wait, wait. I know a knight he can squire for. Also, Y/n can stay with Toffee." "I'm sorry Star, but not right now."

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