The return of ancient evil

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Marco and I stayed to help clean up, Toffee did most of the work since it was his doing, once it was back to normal we started to pack out things in a duffel bag. Marco briefly looks wistful. "I know. Me too." I also had a wistful look. We both inhale and exhale. "We should heading out." He picks up the bag and walks out the door. I follow when Mime girl picks us up by our arms and pulls us to Ruberiot and Foolduke. Marco: "Whoa! Oh, hey, guys." Y/n: "*Chuckle* Hey, We're going to miss you guys." Ruberiot: "We're gonna miss you guys too." Foolduke: "Come on, can't you stay a little longer?" Marco: "Love to, but Earth's callin'." Y/n: "Yeah, our parents are already worried about us." Ruberiot: "All right then. See you on the flip, Marco and Y/n."

Mime Girl tosses Marco to the bottom of the castle stairs, where Star Butterfly, Toffee, King Butterfly, and Queen Butterfly are waiting. Marco: "Whoa! Oof! [sighs] Well, I, uh... guess this is goodbye." Y/n: "Ouch! [sighs] I hope we'll see each other again soon." River: "And what a pleasure it's been. This place won't be the same without you, my lads. But before you go, there's something I want to give you for all you've done for our kingdom. Squire!" A castle squire approaches with a small chest. River opens the chest, pulls out a long cape, and wraps it around Marco. "Whoa! Cool! Thanks!" River: "Ha-ha! You're like a real live knight now. Look at you, my boy. If you ever want to be a knight one day, give me a call and Y/n. My sweet girl, you've changed history and protected my daughter. I can't thank you enough, that's why you're part of our family and I want to give you something." He pulled out a crescent moon crystal bracelet and place it on me. "Wow! I don't know what to say." River: "It's my way of saying thanks." Moon: "Take care of yourself back on Earth." Kisses Marco and Y/n on the forehead. Both Marco and I said our thanks.

Toffee stares at Y/n, and they walk up to each other. Toffee: "I guess this is it." Y/n: Well...I guess....bye. We'll see each other soon." "I hope so." Marco opens a dimensional portal with his dimensional scissors, him and Y/n take one last look at Star and Toffee, and start walking through. Star and Toffee look sad. "Wait, Marco! [pulls Marco back] I need a longer goodbye than that." Star pulled Marco in her arms. "Me, too." Toffee walks toward me and hold me tightly and I wrap my arms around him."Toffee, I'm gonna miss you so much." "Me too. Please don't go." Star hugs Marco, and Marco hugs her back.

Star tears up. They eventually let go, but I and Toffee never let go. Moon, River, Marco, and Star look at each other and smile after watching the two holding each other so lovely, not wanting to let go of each other. "Y/n, It's time." "give me a moment." I felt my voice cracking from sadness. "Come back to me, my dear. I'll be waiting." Toffee cup my face gently and stare into my eyes with so much love. My eyes water and sniffle. "I'll come back, love. I have dimensional scissors too." We kiss and part ways. Marco and Y/n walks through the portal before sticking her head out again. "Take care Toffee. I love you." "I love you too. I know Marco will take good care of you and our baby as well." I blow him a kiss and he blow a kiss at me as well. The portal closes.

3 days after

After the Sliver Bell Ball, during it, Toffee wasn't near it since it would cause a huge communion. things went back to normal, but then again....when was it ever normal. The next day, Star is feeding or trying to feed Glossaryck. "Ready, Glossaryck? Here comes the airplane." Makes airplane noises, but Glossaryck isn't haven't it and kept on babbling Globgor. "How are things going Miss Star?" Toffee walks in a servant suit. "Not so good." Star respond.

"Come on, Glossaryck. Be a good boy." Star is pleased, instead of listening Glossaryck throws the bowl of pudding at Star's face. Star wipe it off. "Glossaryck, what have I told you? We express ourselves with our words, not our pudding." Glossaryck tilts his chair over, jumps out, and takes off running on all fours. Star gasps. "Oh, Glossaryck. Here, boy. Do you wanna..." Glossaryck turns his head and sees Star holding up a leash. "...go for a walk?" Glossaryck eyes shine like stars with excitement.

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