Crytalized Memories

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    The lilac colored crystal shined a bright purple as Chili got closer, it's light brightening as Chili finally grasped it. "Ha! I bet I could sell this for a few-" Chili was cut off by the five being brought to a memory.

    The people in the memory were blacked out, like they had been crossed out or repressed by the original memory holder. "%*#@!" A jumbled voice said, the five figured the person had said a name.
    "Yes?" The other in the memory said, their voice soft as they looked up from the book they were reading. Gingerbrave and the rest recognized the place the two were at as the Blueberry Yogurt Academy.
    "Could you possibly help me? I'm afraid I don't understand what ^%>€£+ wants us to do," the first asked, the team noticed the place where their eyes would be had began to glow a magenta color.
    "Of course, @&)79&! I'll help in anyway I can!" The second replied, their eyes now glowed a blue color.
    "Great! Thank you!" Magenta eyes said, they leaned in and gave blue eyes a hug.
    "Anything for you.." Blue eyes mumbled.
"Did you say something?"
"Uh, I said no problem!"
"Alright." Magenta eyes softly giggled. The team noticed a light red blush on blue eyes' face.

    The five were pulled from the memory, the crystal no longer had a glow. "Who do you think those two were?" Gingerbrave wondered.
    " you think it could be pure vanilla cookie and white Lily?" Wizard suggested.
    "There were three of them mentioned in the letters, so if it was them then they must have another friend." Strawberry added.
    "Ooo another crystal!" Custard said. The crystal this time was a combination of blue, green and magenta.

    Custard ran up and touched the crystal. The five were sucked into another memory.
    "@&$)7, we need your help!" Blue eyes said, pulling on Magenta's sleeve.
    Magenta sighed, "What did you and &$89!; get into?"
   "Well we may or may not have snuck into the library past it's hours and now we're forced to clean the entire library!" Blue eyes explained.
    "What ever am I going to do with you two.." Magenta said, "Yes, I'll help."

    They were pulled from the memory again. "How many of these are there?" Gingerbrave asked.
    "Another one!" Custard said, running off to the crystal. The crystal was blue and magenta. He touched it and they were pulled into another memory.
    "Aren't you going to change?" Blue asked Magenta.
    "Why? You wanna watch or something?" Magenta joked with a giggle. Blue's face lit up like a fire.
    "You're blushing~~"
    "S-shut up."
    The team was pulled from the memory once more. "There's another!" Strawberry pointed.
    Custard ran up and touched it, it was a dark magenta color, it didn't glow as bright as the other's.

    "Failure..?" Magenta mumbled.
   "Yes you failed, for once the all great $&7(: has fallen down from her podium." Blue confirmed. It was clear to the team they were having a fight.
    "No, no, my magic circle was perfect! Everything should've worked fine!" Magenta said, putting their hands to their head.
    "Well we don't need your help anymore, me and $&56@) have got it."
"...@&$7(..." Magenta mumbled.

The memory ended as blue walked away from Magenta, who then fell to her knees in the middle of the room.
"That one was so sad.." custard said.
"Is that another letter?" Wizard asked, stepping towards the piece of paper.

I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you and ####. I hope you realize I do love you two and hope we meet again. But until then, I'm leaving. I no longer wish to inconvenience you and ####. Please tell her I said goodbye, I will miss you two. Even if we were in a fight, I still love you.
Yours truly, and sincerely, ####

"So were they or were they not dating..?" Strawberry asked, her hands in her pockets.
"Maybe." Wizard shrugged.
"Hey, is that a crystal? It's not even producing a glow..." Custard asked, his hand sideways on his forehead to try and get a closer look. Chili ran up and touched it.

"No, no, no, please spare me! I- I don't have much to live for but please!" Magenta pleaded.
"It's either the cake hound's and the rest of the island or you. Choose." A mysterious voice said.
"I- Me. This island will never be harmed and I promised that when I first got here. I choose myself." Magenta said.
"Nice choice." The voice said.

Magenta was then covered in thorns and vines, trapping Magenta inside. The green forest's color grew slightly dull as Magenta was trapped.
The mysterious voice laughed to themself and then the memory ended.

"We have to find her!" Gingerbrave said he, for once, was finally being brave.
"Maybe we have to look for magenta flowers?" Custard suggested.
"Let's try!" Strawberry said.

So the team of five ventured the forest and were pleasantly surprised when none of the cake hound's or anything else even tried attacking them.
"Guys! Over here!" Chili called.
"Did you find some?" Wizard asked as he and the rest of the team ran to where Chili was.
"I did! I found some... asters? I think that's what they're called," Chili replied.
"Well c'mon then guys!" The healer of the team said, he childishly began skipping through the path covered with Asters.

As the path continued, the trees became more and more dull, almost grey in some places. The five came across a thorn and vine barrier, the green vines a dull grey and the thorns were a dark brown and larger than custard's crown.
Gingerbrave used his candy cane staff to slash through the vines and thorns. There they saw a cocoon of green leaves that covered someone.
Wizard cookie used his magic to pull the large leaves off the person. And there Magenta eyes was.

"Oh, hello," Magenta yawned, "may I ask who you five are?"

Magenta had h/c hair with two big buns on the top of the back of her head. Her buns were slightly messed up. She had a giant red rose at the left side of her head. She wore a light pink cape with a trail of Asters that went around it. Her shirt was a light purple with the top part being a light green, her sleeves were oversized and the same light green as the shirt. She had s plain white corset on over a pink skirt that was an inch or two above her knees. Her shoes were a light yellow. She also had a magic staff that resembled a flower.

"What's your name?" Gingerbrave asked as Magenta was let out of the cocoon.
"Aster Cookie, but I do prefer Y/N. Aster brings unpleasant memories." Magenta introduced. She rubbed her eyes and the team noticed the scar over her nose and the dark eye bags she had.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N! I'm custard cookie, the king! That's Gingerbrave, strawberry, Wizard and chili pepper!"
"You're adorable!" Y/N gushed, scooping Custard in their arms with the little strength they had.
"Hey put me down-" custard flailed his legs, "actually this is nice. You may continue."
"You look like an old friend of mine." Y/N smiled.

(Not proofread)
Guys if it wasn't obvious, custard and pure vanilla are my faves <33

Yours Truly, and sincerely (Cookie run x reader)Where stories live. Discover now