The Long Forgotten History Of Aster Cookie

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!!!Timeline might not be completely correct, I'm sorry <333!!!

"So you like plants?" Herb asked.
Y/N nodded, "I do. I've always loved animals and plants, maybe it's because I'm a flower based cookie!"
"In the garden there is a bunch of White Lilies, Vanilla Orchids, some holly berries, yellow roses, purple hyacinths, and some asters! Are you any of those plants?"
The words "aster", "white Lily" and "vanilla orchids" made Y/N tense. "Y-yeah..!"
    "Oh, crumbs. Sorry I didn't mean to bring up your dead name," Herb apologized.
    Y/N held a small smile on their face, "Dont worry about it! You were just curious, hell I just poked Vampire's fangs, it's fine."
    "If you say so, but I am still so sorry," Herb said.
    Vampire slung an arm around Y/N, bringing them closer to him, "Feel like giving us your life story now?"
    "It's- it's not that interesting," Y/N sighed.
    "But I'm curious," Vampire groaned.
    "Wouldn't be the first time I heard someone's life story on the stools." Sparkling said, he was drying a glass.
    "Pleaseeee," Herb pleaded.
    "This may sound hard to believe, but you know the five heroes and how they were graced with the purest soul jam? I may or may not be the 6th cookie no one has heard of. I was blessed with the most fragrant and beautiful aster flower in all of earthbread. I didn't play big parts with helping my friends, seeing as most of the time I was on an island.
    And I was only really friends with.. with White Lily and Pure Vanilla, so I didn't have as much loyalty to the other three as I did those two. But, Lily, Vanilla and I were still in school, we went to Blueberry Yogurt Academy, and we were top students. So the three of us didn't spend much time with the other three heroes.
    But White Lily had been determined to create the perfect cookie, whoever that may be. And during the process of the our research on the subject I tried arguing how we were blessed with the purest soul jam and probably the best cookies Earthbread is going to get.
    But she didn't listen.. uhm, I knew my limits but the two kept pushing me past them, some days I thanked them because it helped me grow stronger other days it made me feel as if I wasn't enough and had to be better.
    And so one day I failed entirely, I had messed up my magic circle, I messed up the equation, the research, everything. Vanilla got mad, and Vanilla has never been mad before and has always treated everyone with respect, so me and him got in a fight so I fled. I gave him one last letter that I left in his dorm and went to an island where I stayed until now.
    Well me staying there wasn't really my choice because i was kinda trapped in a cocoon." Y/N explained, a sigh left their mouth after they finished.

    "You're one of the ancient heroes?" Herb asked, shocked.
    "Mhm! I specialized in magic, specifically plant magic, and I found I worked best in the middle of the team." Y/N answered.
"Didn't Dark Enchantress cookie take the soul jellies of the heroes?" Vampire asked, "How are you still alive?"
"Well, I missed the final battle. I wish I was there to help my friends, but I couldn't."
"Where were you?"
"In the vanilla kingdom, but after my friends didn't show up I retreated back to the island I lived in. Then DE cookie found me and well cocooned me."
"Where's your soul jelly?" Herb asked.
"It's the square gem on my corset! I try to keep it hidden after what happened to my friends. I still hold onto the small hope that they may still be out there somewhere."

After 20 minutes Y/N left the bar and paid their bill. They walked around the cookie kingdom and stopped at the garden, wandering in and seeing 5 statues that were their friends. They leaned against the pure vanilla statue and sighed. They wished they could go back in time and fix everything. The real reason she was in the vanilla kingdom during the final battle was to see Pure Vanilla again, but he was obviously doing something more important which Y/N found out from the villagers.

"If only you were actually here. I miss you.." Y/N whispered softly, sliding down the statue and onto the ground next to it. She traced the blue shape that resembled his soul jelly and muttered a few apologies.

    "Oh y/n! There you are! Almond cookie wanted to see you, something about interrogating you..?" Gingerbrave said.
    "Oh, alright. Please lead me to him."

(Not proofread)((sorry it's short!!)
Ok timeline of events

White Lily, Y/N, and Pure vanilla go to Blueberry Yogurt Academy
The three begin researching how to make the "perfect cookie"
   Pure Vanilla and Y/N get in a fight
    Y/N leaves the academy to an island
     Y/N then goes to vanilla kingdom to see PV again and to apologize only find out he was fighting DE
      They leave vanilla kingdom to where they were fighting DE but were too late
       They return to their island
        DE comes to their island and cocoons them
         Gingerbrave and them find her

Yours Truly, and sincerely (Cookie run x reader)Where stories live. Discover now