An Adventure.

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The bustling cookie kingdom would make anyone feel at peace and welcomed. The happy shouts of the children and meaningless conversations the adults took part in we're like music to the citizens ears. But, far off from the cookie kingdom, Dark Enchantress cookie sat plotting her ultimate takeover with Pomegranate cookie, her most loyal disciple.
"Hey, Y/N, I'd hate to interrupt you and Vampire but Gingerbrave needs us." Chili said
"Oh, well I'll see you later, vamps!" Y/N waved as Chili dragged her away.
"Bye, Y/N." Vampire said, waving as well.
"You better not go to the bar!"
"I won't!"

Chili dragged Y/N to a gingerbread house that belonged to Gingerbrave. Inside sat the original team, minus Wizard. "Y/N, we need your help. Wizard has fallen ill and unable to pursue a mission. We just got finished with the hall of enlightenment, and you were mentioned a lot," Gingerbrave explained.
"I presume all bad things," Y/N sighed, "But yes I'll help you guys."
"Really? Thank you!" Gingerbrave said, he began to hug Y/N.
"It's no problem! It's what friends are for!"

"Ok how about we meet back here in an hour?" Chili suggested, "I'd like to get to the bottom of this as soon as we can."
"You're just saying that so you have more time to spend with rye~~" Strawberry teased.
"Not true!" Chili protested, though a blush was very evident on her face.

The 5 left the house, custard following Y/N to their own. "So this is where you live?" Custard asked, stars in his eyes.
"Yep! Pretty neat huh?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah!" Custard replied with a giggle. Y/N began packing a bag for the trip, making sure they had a tent and a lot of food for however long the adventure would last. An hour passed and the five met up at Gingerbrave's house once more.

    "Alright, let's go," Gingerbrave said. The four followed their leader to the hot air balloon that would take them to their destination. They were dropped off at a barren, empty forest with nothing but old, rotted trees and dust everywhere. There wasn't a cookie in sight, yet Y/N felt uneasy as if they were being watched.
    "Be careful, you guys, I think we're being watched," Y/N mumbled to the group. The other four nodded with understanding. They stepped forward and we're greeted by a mysterious cookie.

    "Outlanders, step no further." She said in an authoritative manner.
    "B-black raisin cookie..!" A villager with a bag over their head cried.
    "Hide! An attack has begun! Leave the outlanders to me." Black Raisin said.
    "Who are you? Show yourself or else!" Chili shouted, interrupting Black Raisin and the villager.
    "Your eyes are not trained to pierce the shadows. such eyes will never see me," Black raisin replied, "outlanders are not allowed to step foot in our village."
    "Black raisin cookie!" another villager called, "They're coming!"
    "Good. Let's see how good these outlanders are in battle," Black raisin replied calmly, "the longer you last the better."
    "W-what? Like, WHAT..?" Strawberry shouted her question. A crow began chirping near Gingerbrave.
    "Gah! Get away from me, crows!" He shouted, using his hands to shoo the crow away.

    "Guys, you need to calm down a bit! We'll be alright, I know we will! We got this!" Y/N said, trying to lighten the mood in the barren wasteland the team was adventuring.
    Ominous humming came from afar as a swarm of vanilla cones came after the team.
    "Look! A yummy giant vanilla ice cream cone! about to attack us!" Custard said.
    "I really, really dont think it wants to be eaten!" Gingerbrave said.
    "It's waffle plating is stronger than it looks. Prepare for a tough fight!" Y/N pointed out.

    The team fought the vanilla cones and were victorious. "Great job you guys!" Y/N cheered.
    "What a great victory! Never once did I doubt the skills of my fateful servants," Custard said with a smile.
    "We definitely couldn't have done it without our trusty healer king," Y/N said as she picked custard up and spun him around.
    "That thing didn't even stand a chance against us!" Gingerbrave said, pointing his staff in the air as a sign of his victory.
    "But what is this place? Looks... creepy.." Strawberry asked, not really expecting an answer from her friends.
    "Yeah! Where are we? There's nothing but dust!" Chili added.
    "Hey, over here! A piece of waffle has fallen off those things," Y/N said, waving down their team. Chili grabbed it and smashed it on the ground expecting it to crumble. But instead it made a clinking sound.

    "Thing's as hard as a diamond! This isn't some regular dough!" Chili pointed out.
    "These are wafflebots!" Y/N said, "I've- I've never seen someone use this good of magic and engineering before.."
    "Could this be the vanilla kingdom?" Strawberry suggested, Y/N eyes widened and their heart dropped. They looked around once more and tried pushing the thoughts of the once lively kingdom down, if this really was the vanilla kingdom Y/N couldn't bare the sight of it.
    "Wait so Dark Enchantress cookie sent us to the vanilla kingdom?" Gingerbrave asked.
    "This way, my cookies! My senses tell me we're on the right path!" Custard said. Y/N looked around once more and winced before deciding to look at the ground.

(Not proofread)
Love how my hyper fixations went from dsmp to undertale to cookie run is less than 2 months

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